Friday, November 4, 2022

Sometimes...we have to embrace The Strange, and Unusual.

: )

This day...has been filled with 'wonder'.
: )
oh my.

 began it's 'journey' about 5:45 a.m., this morning.

There have been many unexplained things... 'happen', around here over the years.
What 'happened'...what I 'found'...this morning, topped the list.
oh my.
: )

Still chewin' on it.
; )
 Installed security cameras...
{Thanks, So Eric, Justin's Pal...
for helping me with them. : ) }

Part of me is trying to rationalize it all.
Very, Puzzling... things.
oh my.
; )

The other 'part' of believing...
'Door's are Opening'....for a Reason.

I know this sounds cryptic.
What unfolded today...was, pretty strange.
I can't find any explanation for any of it.
Trust me...I've tried.
Many...have, today.
; )

I'll fill ya in, with all of the details...when I know more.
oh my.

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

{Son, Justin...was TOTALLY Freaked out, by what unfolded this morning...he wouldn't come close to 'Home', today.
: )
Justin's a Big Man. 
Pal, Bill...said he'd "Be Runnin'."
: ) : ) : )

I'm not Runnin'.
I'm Gathering Blessings.
; ) }

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