Monday, November 28, 2022

The Tree Is Up!!

Every we start pulling 'Christmas' from under the Landing, and Staircase... as I watch it keep Coming...and Coming, it sinks in, that...this is kind of a big task.
: )

The Grandkids didn't come yesterday, to help.
Liz, and I talked it over.
She understands what a 'task'...the first day of 'Welcoming Christmas'...entails.
: ) : ) : ) 
I want the Kids to..... Love Christmas.
not... see it as a chore.
They are coming today, to help decorate.
: )

I'm a little leery of them coming this early, yet.
they are looking so forward to it.
: )

Helper, Brandon...did come and help, yesterday.
Oh My.
Still took us about 8 hours to get everything out, and The Tree Up, and Lit.
The House looks like a Christmas Bomb Exploded Inside!

When we took the lights off last year, {I've NEVER Done this}
we put them all in one tote, instead of wrapping them separately.
Oh....My GOSH!!
I spent over an hour untangling them.
I think God is trying to teach me Patience.
: )
You have No Idea... how many times I was so Tempted to throw them All in The Trash, and go buy new.
I, somehow... found the patience, and untangled them all.
; )
There's somewhere between 2000, and 2400...lights on The Tree.
Switched to soft white LED's last year.
They aren't soft me, but...they are much easier on the light bill.
seem to be a lot more dependable.
Nothing worse than having a strand go out in the middle of The Tree.

The Bell...was the First to go Up.
Once it's hung...then, it starts feeling like Christmas.

After Brandon left... I poured myself a Toddy, sat down...
and took in The Tree's Beauty.

Wasn't long....before I heard Snoring.

Miss. Peanut, was as exhausted as I was.
When I went upstairs, to get that Toddy, Miss. Peanut parked herself in front of the bedroom door.
She was So Disappointed...when I headed back to The Tree.

The Kids will be here, soon.
I'd better pull myself together.
: )
Slept in, this morning.... it was almost 8, when me, and Miss. Peanut rolled out of the Sack.
I'm feelin' every muscle, and joint...this morning.
: )
More Coffee...Please!!
: ) : ) : ) 

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

{Pal, Allyson...called yesterday, as we were putting The Tree Up.
When I told her what we were doing...she said... "Ohhhhhh."
 : )
She 'knows'.
; )

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