Monday, October 31, 2022

Workin' on it.

Helper, Brandon...
called me at about 10 a.m. this morning.
We had Big Plans for today.
So get Done, here.
: )

Brandon, sounded pretty weak...on the phone.
He asked...if we could take on the mountains tomorrow.
: )

Told Brandon, I was on The Same Page.
: )

Would've stumbled, but...
thought we could both use a day at rest.
; )

We've been Runnin' Hard, for Weeks.

Many, Many...Weeks.
; )

While visiting with Son, Justin... this afternoon, told him...
"I feel like I've been beaten with a rubber hose, from the bottoms of my the top of my head."
The best way I could describe it.
oh my.
; )

{So have Justin's... Ford Truckasaurus, Pullin' The Trailer.'s Nothin'. : ) 
<3 <3 <3 
Liz asked I'm going to be driving back, and forth from Des Moines, for Junk Jubilee...a week from now, for set up.
250 miles a day. 5.39 a gallon.
stay in a hotel, 125. a night.
: )
As much as I LOVE....Driving Justin's Ford, POWERHOUSE...
who needs sleep????
: )
Think...I prefer to 'Drive'.}
: )

After a LONG...LONG...Hot...Soaking...Bubble Bath, this afternoon...
began writing a post about The Midwest Show.
; )
What...a Story.

So Many...Blessings.

: )

What a Ride!!

I'll finish it up, in the morning.
November 1.
; )

; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

{Workin' on a little more.
 Read some documents, that we received last we were Loading...for The Midwest Show, that made me smile.
 ; ) 
Hope to be sharing them All, with You, soon.
 ; )
'Life' Truly, a 'Highway'.
oh my.
; ) }

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