Saturday, October 1, 2022

Public Records.

Click See Public Records 

I've been going through the documents, Public Records... trying to decide which ones would be the easiest to follow.

{There are many, many...more.}

Back in June, of this year, I received a phone call from Fairfax's Mayor.
He'd heard, 'somewhere'...that I was thinking of selling our property.
The Mayor asked how much I was pricing it for, the City would be interested in purchasing it.
Told The Mayor,
 'That was News to me.'

Told The Mayor...we'd had some discussion with IDOT, but Charles Meardon, our Lawyer...
 {Josey Wales}
would have all of that information, and he should ask Charles, for the details.
The Mayor asked. Charles...responded.

I believe...the letter from Charles, with the Public Record attachments, that were sent to the Mayor, spells everything out, very plainly.

This is something I've wanted to share with Folks, for sometime.
Had computer issues, then...mail syncing issues, finally, yesterday... Pal, Bill...helped me resolve the issues.
I really wanted them out there, before The Fall Harvest Sale.
It'll be another 10 days, before I could get them on, if I waited any longer.
Gonna start slamming images of The Sale...starting tomorrow morning.

I've wanted to share these Public Records, because...I have to wonder, if Folks believe what's happened here, or...if I'm somehow embellishing how horrible this nightmare has been.
Frankly, if someone told me, what I've been saying, concerning these unbelievable last many years, I'd have to wonder...if there isn't more to this story.

Those Public Records, are what the people involved wrote in their own hand.

I've written, and re-written, this lead...all day.
That's all I've gotten done.
Yesterday was rough.
Every rough, beginning when I step out of the door.
It's shocking to me, every day.
Reading those most recent Public Records, were very shocking.
They make me sick, when I read through them.

At this point, we're waiting.
Waiting for responses.
Waiting for the flooding issues, to be taken care of.
Waiting...for a real driveway.
Waiting to have our destroyed basement repaired.
We've flooded 14 times, because of this far.
Thankfully...we've been very dry.

Waiting...for The Iowa Department of Transportation... to Do...
what They'd Expect any one of do, had 'We' Breached 'Their' Agreement.

Make It Right.

I truly couldn't have survived this, all of far, without Charles Meardon, our Lawyer.
I've had people wonder, what he's doing concerning all of this.
I, didn't want to put much out there, concerning him...but, I Guarantee You, He's Worked on This Mess...

I have some Amazing Documents, he's written, that when the time is right...I'll share.
They are Frame Worthy.
Charles, is a Digger. 
He's Tuff...
and has Grit.
Load's of Grit.
He's been a Godsend. him, for continuing to ride this Crazy Train, with us.
It's Insanity.

Through all of this wrongful carnage, butchering... that seems never ending, the disappointment, in those...I was hoping, could be trusted...should be devastating.
This should never happen, to anyone,

Charles, spells it all out...perfectly.

Click on the link, at the top of the'll get ya there. those who truly care, and Keep Your Prayers.
I, truly appreciate You.

Barb C.

{I found it interesting, in this last group of Public Records, we received from IDOT, when The Engineers, from Iowa Department of Transportation District 6, in emails, back and forth...were trying to ease...Fairfax's hired engineer's mind, about the trail accommodations being pulled out, with our recorded settlement agreement....concerning 'The Bench'.

{#16 in our Recorded Agreement, is rather important.}
oh my.
Added Fairfax's Bike Trail Sign, above.
Apparently IDOT District 6, didn't get the memo, or...take a peek, when they were trying to figure out how to
 their Wrongful Bike Trail Accommodations..

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