Wednesday, October 12, 2022

what saddens me, mostly.

are those, who never spoke up.
They Knew, and Well Understood  IDOT's, and Fairfax's Wrongfulness.
Yet, sat silent.
Lied to me, over...and over.
Bless their hearts. 
Full Sails, at this point.
Just Sayin'. 
So disappointed, in So Many.
Fairfax City Hall, Iowa Department of Transportation, District 6. Engineers.
Heartbreaking. 💔

Trust, 'Truth' everything.

Y'all Lied to me, over, and over. 
Shame on You. 
Sadly, Foolishly.... I expected better of you all.

My mistake. 

Scroll down, and find the
 'Public Records ' post.
Read it, oh my.

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