Friday, October 21, 2022

Love...of Old.

Sweet Neighbor, Jess...stopped by yesterday morning, to pick up some things she'd dealt with Pal, Bill...on.
I was in a Puddle, over Kate.
My eyes are so swollen, I look like I've been hit in the face with a baseball bat.
It'll be days, before I'll be able to wear my contacts, again.
I...know it's selfish... to cry, when I lose someone I care so deeply about.
are in a Much...Better Place.
When they leave us, oh my...
what Hole they leave in our Hearts.

Shortly after Jess, and her Friend...left, 
I was surprised, to see her return, again.
I was working in the Gazebo...packing, for the upcoming Shows.

Jess...had the Most...Adorable Rabbit, with her...
that she so Kindly, gifted me with.

Found the perfect spot for him... in the house.
{Dragged in the little Tree, that Daughter, Liz...brought to The Sale. 
I, was perplexed...when I saw that little tree.
I'd been missing it, for a long time.
Wondered where it's been.
Thought someone must've unearthed it, here.
Liz, said...
"I just brought it back.
Stole it from ya...a long time ago."

I placed Jess's Gift, and the 'stolen' little tree, with the Alice in Wonderland treasures, that I've been gifted with, over the years.
They...just seemed to belong there.

Last night...I tried to write, but...I couldn't.
Picked up...the little Heart... Cookie Cutter, that Kate gave me, at her 'last' sale.
: )
So many...Fond Memories. an exchange, that...left me in another Pool...of tears, last night.
I was singing Kate's Praises, with a mutual Friend. a Prominent Antique Dealer, that I've Always  'High Regard'. 'Old'. 
I've never been one to seek 'perfection'...
only, 'Soulfulness'.

Only 'certain' People...'understand' that.
{The Best my opinion.}

Back, in the Day...I, was considered a 'Bottom Feeder', to this business.
Not, to This Man, or his Beautiful...Wife.
He was the One Person...who I could turn to, and learn from.
Looking back, I probably asked some pretty stupid questions.
: )
He, never once...made me feel, like I was wasting his time.
: )
He...Always...took time, and explained everything to me.
He's a Book...of Knowledge, when it comes to Antiques.
; )
To this day...I know who...I can call on, when I'm Stumped.
; )

What makes me sad... is, I believe...We All...deserve to be treated with respect.
So Simple.
That 'Golden Rule'...thing.
; )

Treat Others, as You'd like to be treated.
: )

I don't 'deserve' it...anymore, than anyone else.
We All...

So Grateful, For This Love Of Old.
Without It...
oh my, 
The People...
I would've never known.

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

{Had to post Aretha...above. ; ) Long Story.}

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