Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Thank You...

turned out being a Lovely....lovely, day.
; )

At the end of the day, Friends, Bud, and Renate...
{Renate's Antique Gallery, Amana, Iowa.}
brought a bottle of wine, 
we sat under the Wild...Cherry Tree, in front of The Rabbit Hole, and 'Toasted'...
 The Weekend.
; )
It's been way... too long.
We used to do this often, over the decades.
Between covid, and IDOT....well...it's been too long.

Bud...asked me how much the 'Love Birds'...were.

; )
Told them to take them Home...with them.

For as long as I've known...Bud, and Renate...I've always referred to Them...as
'The Love Birds'.
<3 <3 <3 
When you watch them...together, they...Truly Are....
'Love Birds'.
oh my.

Pal, Bill...stopped by, and picked up what was left of his Garden things, he'd brought.
Then...he sat and visited with us, for a bit.
Kinda...felt like Old Times.
; )

Got a late start, Sunday morning.
The Kind Lady...above, was shopping when I found my way to The Rabbit Hole.
Wasn't late...but, later than I'd wanted to be.

I was up...early, but...was engrossed with an article that was in The Gazette.
It was on the front page, Sunday.

It was concerning Eminent Domain, 'condemnation'.
 IDOT District 6, was quoted...Tiffin, and Coralville, Iowa...are fighting over a 'sliver of land'.
As...I read it, then...re-read it...over, and over, well....
my mind raced.
Kept thinking about all we've been through, here...and, wondering how Much...isn't in the article.
There's Always So Much More...to these kind of stories.
{Learned that...with the Public Records, we plowed through earlier this year.}
You'd have to write a Book, to be able to get the Entire Story, when it comes to Eminent Domain, Engineers, Developers, and City Halls. 
and, their 'Purposes'.
; (

I...was pretty raw, by the time...I had to get to The Rabbit Hole, Sunday morning.

As I opened the door, for the Kind...Lady, she said...
"Oh My Lord...What Has Happened Here??"
concerning...The Butchering, for Fairfax's Trail.
She hadn't been here since 'before'.
: (

: (
between that article, and...just facing the Wrongful Carnage, day after day...
I...melted into a Pool of Tears.
There was No Way...I could keep the tears back.
No way.

I, apologized repeatedly, to The Kind Lady.
oh my.
; (

She, told me to quit....apologizing.
Her Parents had been through Condemnation....many years ago, up North.
She said the IDOT made many 'promises' while sitting at their Kitchen Table...to her Folks...and Family...They, were treated much like us.

She, and her Family...are still...Hurting, because of the broken promises.

She...got it.


oh my.

Then...shook it off, had to.
Wonderful...Folks, popped in, all day long.

Load's of Smiles.
; )
Baby Bird's were Chirping, all around The Rabbit Hole.
: )
The Nest...with the blue jars, is on an Old Shelf, that was Peg's.
That would make Her So Happy!
Folk's were taking pictures of the Mama Robin, all day, on Peg's shelf.

Monday...was a long, long...day.
Helper, Brandon...and I, put everything away.
Pulled a Fainting Couch out of The Rabbit Hole, had to make room for the things coming in.
Daughter, Liz...and Grandson, Jack...stopped by, as we'd just carried it out.
I offered to give it to them... but, no room.
The Dear...'Queen of Heart's', had given it to me...
she wanted it to find a Good Home.

Then...as some other Friend's stopped by, Alice, and Jon...
{Alice's Wonderland', Mt. Vernon, Iowa }
a young Man...came walking up...and asked how much the Fainting Couch sitting in the grass was.
: )

Told him...It's His Lucky Day!!
Happy Birthday!! Merry Christmas!!
; )
It's His...if, he can take it Today!!
: )

He about Fell Over!!
Raced back to tell his Wife...they'd have To Find A Truck..Quick!!
; )

It was late, last night...before they could get back.
Such a Sweet Couple.
The Queen of Heart's...would approve.

Thank You...
 All, who Popped In, over the 4 Day Sale.

Love to Y'all.
; )

Prayers...for All.

Barb C.

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