Monday, May 9, 2022

Some Things...Never Change. Sadly...some things, do.


: )

Pal, Kevin...posted the above on FB, 10 years ago.
; )

Loading for a Show, is always interesting.
That...never changes.
; )

Wrote a thing this morning.
Saved it, as a draft.
The images...of 'before, and after', Home, and The Rabbit Hole.
oh my.

I've never been a fan.... of Change.
; ) things to keep rollin', get along... keepin' our head's down...
Git'er Done.

 over the last 8 years, it's been a Curve Ball, out of Left Field, leaving us all...
oh my.

It's the things, that 'Change'...out of the Clear Blue Sky, 
that...are so incredibly crippling.
oh my.

Had some Lovely...Folks stop by...yesterday.
; )

Before they all arrived, at the end of the day...
 spent Mother's, down The Rabbit Hole.
Bringing more...In.
Setting Displays.
 Took a break, mid afternoon, sat down...on the Rabbit Hole's Porch...
and started going through email exchanges, between IDOT, myself...and, our Lawyer.
 Reading the Long...Documents, that've spanned over the last couple of years.
{After IDOT Breached our Recorded Agreement}


Grateful...for Our Lawyer.
He Has Grit.
; )
{Pretty Sharp, 'Quick'. ; ) }

Looking back, while in the midst...of it all, as everything was unfolding, sure couldn't 'see'...things, as Plainly, as he did.
I do, now.
{Left Field}
Those 'Curve Balls'...never rattled him.
Grateful...for that.

{I've said it several times, but...I'll say it again.
If you ever, have the 'pleasure'...of having to go through Condemnation...with DOT,
don't speak to them.

send them...on their way.
Hire a Lawyer.
A Damned Good One.

{We, already Knew Ours,
this isn't our First Rodeo, with IDOT. 'Condemnation', 'Eminent Domain'. 
The 1990's were Brutal.}

Find 'That One' your area....if you are so 'blessed' with the 'pleasure'.

The emails I re-read...yesterday, are proof of that.
I'll share them with you...when I can. 
It'll all be in The Book. }

None of us know, how things will end up, no matter what battle we're fighting.
We're All...fightin' Somethin'...these days, it seems.
; )

All Ya Can Do...
Whatever It Takes.

; )

Loadin' The Truck...again, tomorrow.
; )
Unloading, and Re-Loading...for Gold Rush.
Rochester, MN.

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

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