Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Updated 5/22.... Pop Up Sale!!! May 19-22!!! 11-6 Daily!!! 101 Williams Blvd. Fairfax, Iowa.

Updated May 22!!

It was a Beautiful...Busy... Day Three!!
No Rain!!
Load's of Sun!!
{ The Same!! Beautiful, and Sunny!!}

A Darling Family...popped in, first thing, yesterday morning.
The above little Gal, asked for a price on the little bird house, she's holding.
She was fascinated with it.
; )
It belonged to Our Peg.
I began telling her All About 'The Mad March Hare', showed her...some of Peg's gourds, she created...and knowing Peg, she'd sure Love have the little bird house, and enjoy it, like Peg did.

I get such a Charge...out of Children, when they visit The Rabbit Hole.
: )
They so enjoy all of it's hiding places, and have so much fun 'discovering'...things.
: )

There are no locked showcases, down The Rabbit Hole, I encourage Children to touch.
Little hands, never hurt's usually me, or an Adult, who wind up breaking something, and...that's pretty rare.
; )
'Stuff Happens'.
; )

These Sweet Girls, spent a long time...diggin' around The Rabbit Hole.
They found some Treasures.
Turns out...Lorrie, the Girl on the right...was quite a Treasure to Scout.
I, never knew it...but, she used to bring him apples, often.
She sent me the below images, of Scout.
oh my. 

I had never met Lorrie, until yesterday....
She said that she'd come here many times, over the last few years...and brought Scout apples, and wondered about the little building {Rabbit Hole} that seemed so buttoned up.
{this part...makes me cry. : ( }
She said...{as, so many have, over the last few days.}
"It's so interesting...I so wanted to come inside, but nobody was ever around." then...she asked me what's The Story...of the 'little house'.
She, said... "Did the Elderly person who lived here...pass away?"
oh my Gosh.
: (
I...looked at her, then...looked down, at the ground...processing,
 thinking...on exactly how to answer 
her question... and...said,
 "Well... in a way....I guess she did die, and you're lookin' at her."

I, explained...that, what IDOT and Fairfax...have 'done', to what used to be my Sanctuary, is like death by a thousand cuts.
They've ripped my Soul out.
I, couldn't bear to see it, so...didn't,
for a long...long...time.
I've forced myself, to get back here, and...try to raise the Phoenix Bird, out of the ashes.
Slowly, very...slowly.

Went on, and told her...what a Blessing it is to be back, because of People, just like Her, and...the others, who've found their way to it.

The Rabbit Hole...isn't everyone's Cup of Tea.
The People...who are drawn to it...{and it Does... Pull...Certain Folks In}
are Meant to find their way there.
It's difficult to explain, 
it makes me sad, and...angry, we've been apart for so long.

Open TODAY... Sunday...11-6!!

Still pulling things out, cleaning...and sorting.
; )
Will be, for a Month...of Sundays.

Don't Forget, we're starting on an Estate Sale, that will be June 9-12, 2022, in Marion, Iowa.
; )

Updated May 21!!

Had Some Beautiful Smiling Faces Pop In...
Eron, above...drove from Des Visit!
That Girl...has an Eye.
Oh My!
; )

These Sweet Gals, found a Perfect 'Looking Glass'...for their Entry.
; )

This...Sweet Gal, had already loaded her little Ones, in the Van, before I could get a picture of them.
Oh My GOSH!!!
So Many...Darling Children...Visited, yesterday!
They had a Blast in The Rabbit Hole!
: ) : ) : ) 

Many...Friends, and Neighbors...Popped In, Yesterday!
Great to See Those SMILES!!

: )

Be movin'...and shufflin' things,
; )
Gonna be Damp..and Chilly!!
Dress Warm!
Wear Your Grubbies...
Bring a Truck!!!

Updated May 20!!

Had a Great Day One!!
Started off kinda slow....
but, made up for the Afternoon, and Evening!!!
; )

Pal, Bill...brought out a a Nice Load of Garden Stuff, last night, and a Very Cool...Old Farm Sink!

A Whole Mess...of Old Duck Decoys, too!
{He's Got More! about 50 More!!}

It was Great Visiting With Folks!
Didn't get a Single Image!
; (
Phone was on the Frits!
Hopefully, some today.
{Works better...when it's charged. ; ) Hahahaha!!}

The Vintage Lounger, is Very Cool!
Only 35.00!!
Decoys, are 5.00 each, choice!

Bill brought a Pile...of Vintage Metal Plant Stands, a few...above, there are many more!

Much Cooler Weather, today...LIKE IT!!
; )

I was here, until 8, last night...with Folks.
; )

It's Fairfax City Wide Sales, on the 21st., which...I wasn't aware of.
It'll be busy, busy...tomorrow, for sure!
Oh DEAR!!!
; )

I'm gonna keep diggin' and sorting....every day.
; )

We have an ESTATE SALE coming up June 9-12, in Marion, Iowa!!!
Stay Tuned!!}


; )

There's so Dig, through.
; )
I'll keep putting things out, all weekend.
Many, Many...'weekends'.
; )

I'm not going to advertise...anywhere else.
Just...FB, and...Here.
'My People'

Thank You, for 'Being'.

Ya'll...understand me. 

Things...won't be perfect. Won't all be priced...won't be cleaned, spotlessly. Won't be organized...
: )

It'll be a little dark, in The Rabbit Hole.
; )
{the Music...will be Good. : ) }, and there...that, we won't disturb.
{Spiders have Family...too. <3 }

This...has been one hell of a Day.
oh my.
; )

Grateful For It.

Pal, Ed, told me Long, Long...ago, a decade....
before everyone climbed on the saying....

"It Is...What It Is...Barb."
: )

Yes, indeed.
; )
Truer Words, were Never Spoken.
; )

Called our Lawyer, this morning.
I, just needed to Hear His Voice.
He could've read the dictionary, to me...
that, would've been more than enough.
; )
He has 'Balance', and 'Focus'.

Spoke, with Pal, Allyson, tonight, we've been playing 'phone tag'...I, had to cancel a trip...we'd planned, told sorry, I am, with my explanation, then...went on, and said,
 I could probably use a Great Psychiatrist.... these days...
; )
asked, would She have One, to recommend???

{Allyson, is an Amazing, Caring... Loving...
Psychiatrist, to Many. <3 {Dear, Dear...
 Friend, to me. <3 }


This has been one heck of a day.
oh my.
Seems they all are, for many, these days.

Glad we have 'em,  and...the Amazing People, who are Strugglin' Right With Us.

Pal, Ed...always reminded me, back in 'The Day'...again, before, it was popular,

"It's All about 'The Journey...Barb."
; )

That, a Wise Man.

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

{Thanks, So Pal, Bill...for helping me, and Brandon, get The Tent on it's Feet, yesterday.
; )

Posted one of my Favorite Videos,..this morning, it won't post. : ( 
'Ed being very naughty'

It did on FB. Check it out on YouTube. ; )
It's Real!!!
oh my.
'Ed', the Pony, in it...reminds me of Stormy, {ask Anyone who Knew...'Stormy'. Yes, there are Folks, still living, that knew Stormy. : ) They'll Never Forget Him!!! <3}

Dad, bought Stormy for me...when I was 5. : )
I grew up with Him. 
He prepared me for The Fairfax's...and District 6's. of Life.
<3 <3 <3 }

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