Wednesday, May 4, 2022


It's a Very Beautiful, today.
We sure haven't had nearly enough of them...this Spring.
Cold...WINDY...for so long.
Grateful...the rain we've gotten, has come slowly, flooding, so far.
I, still...worry, worry...worry...whenever there's a drop of rain in the forecast.

Had the strangest dream, last night...
Admiral, my Beloved Thoroughbred, appeared in the Pasture.
Told the Boys, we were going to have to Open The Barn Back Up!!!
{We buttoned up the Barn, when Scout passed. }.

Admiral's Home!!!
<3 <3 <3 

Oh My Gosh!!
<3 <3 <3 
It seemed So Real!!!
; )

I bought Admiral...when I was 12, and he was 4 months old.
 Trained him...myself, there wasn't anything...that Boy couldn't do.
We even swam across the Cedar River, from Otis Road, to Old River Road, when he was only 3.
Never really needed a bridle, just a piece of twine, would work...around his neck.
He could rein, like no other. the Wind.
I could run barrels with him...then, bail off, and put a child on his back...and he'd just walk with them.
We travelled a Million Miles, together, over the 26 years, we shared.
He's buried here...not far from Scout.

'Met' Admiral...4 years, before I met John, and...
used to say...
"I've Known Admiral...longer than I've known John...
and...some days...
Like Him, a Whole Lot More!!"
<3 <3 <3 
{I'm Sure...John felt the Same Way, some days...too. ; ) }

Found the above image, at an Estate Sale, last year...
 it reminded me, of me...and Admiral, just a generation...or a few, before us.

I never rode with a saddle....or, very rarely, did.
Saddled Admiral up... so John's Niece's and Nephew's could ride, that day.
John's Brother, Kenny...decided he'd like to take Admiral for a Spin, that day....too.
; ) a 'Harley' Man.
Not a 'Horseman'.

Admiral, treat Children... Gently.
Kenny...was a Big Person.
Admiral...expected Kenny to Know how to 'Go'.
; )

Kenny and Admiral, took off up West Cemetery Road, just fine.
On the way back Home...Admiral was used to me....Flyin'....Back.
We'd 'Bring 'er Home'...Full Throttle, WIDE OPEN!!
I, warned Kenny, to keep Admiral's head comin' Home.
Showed Kenny how to hold the reins, and keep Admiral at a 'Walk'.
; )

It's not Funny, kinda...was.}
: )

I could see them...coming down the hill, the next thing I know...
Admiral is picking up Speed, 
{I yelled to Kenny, "Hold his head!! Hold his Head!!"
Kenny Dropped The Reins,
 used Both Hands to Hold The Saddle Horn with a Death Grip!!!
Oh My LORD!!!

 Bringin' It Home!!!
{Spark's Were Shootin' from Admiral's Shoes!!!}

The Rein's were Flyin' in The Wind in Perfect Time...with Kenny's Mutton Chop 'Biker' Beard!!
Admiral's Nose Was Straight Out...
I, believe Admiral would've Won The Derby....That Day!!!
Oh Dear!!!
{I can Laugh...because, Kenny didn't get Dumped. <3 

They Took the Corner of West Cemetery, and Stallman the song goes...
"Like Gas Through a Funnel, and Eggs Through a Hen!!!"

Yeah... The Old Boy, showed Kenny...
'The Way Home'.
oh my.
; )

That Dream, last night...was so wonderful.
Sure Miss...That Old Boy.
; )

Sure Been Blessed, over my life...with such Beautiful Friends.
Two, and Four legged.

Back to Work.
Gotta Make Hay, while The Sun's Shinnin'.
it is...
; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

{I'd be willing to Bet, Kenny...never met a Harley that gave him a Bigger Thrill, than...Admiral did, that day. ; ) }

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