Monday, December 28, 2020

Sleepless Nights.

I'm picking up the new...used, a few hours.
It dawned on me...a few minutes ago, 
I was assured by the IDOT, the basement...drain, will...drain.
I, don't know that.
I, don't believe...a Word...they say. 
They've Proven...Over, and Over...their 'word' meaningless.
: ( Recorded Agreements.

Do I dare...bring the washer in.
It isn't new...but, dare I take the chance.

I received a call, from the Man...who's giving me a second estimate...on our septic system, last week.
{The IDOT is replacing...because THEY Wrongfully Destroyed Ours, for Fairfax's Trail...
{That 'Isn't'...'Wasn't'... Liars. Hahahahaha. }
He told me...his company doesn't put in the type of system...the first estimate, from another company, had given.
That...kind of a system...would have to be inspected yearly, at my cost.

Oh My...LORD!!!

When Does This End????

While visiting...with him, I remembered....the temporary IDOT 'FIX'...for the Basement Drain...
{After They Flooded Us...3 Times!!! }
I, wondered....did they put in a 'Back Flow'...fitting?
If...they didn't...
when the Creek Floods, in the Spring, that Creek Water, will Push Up Through...
 that temporary...Tile.
Flood Our Basement...Again!

It's not bad enough....because of the Suicide Trail....for Fairfax, The IDOT, has taken our drainage, ditches...
Put A Basin.
WE Are The Ditch...Now.
They've put us in a Dangerous...Dangerous...Position.
No Guard Rails.
Straight Shot, from The Highway...into our Home, and Rabbit Hole.

They've Stolen...Any Sense Of  Wellbeing..
They've...Destroyed...My Business.
For Fairfax's...Wrongful...Trail.

They began...with Lies.
oh my.

Then...More Lies.
Breaching Recorded Agreements...
Would've Prevented ALL Of THIS!
Had...They ONLY...Kept Their Recorded Word.

Horrible...Wrongful... Butchering.
Solely...for Fairfax's Suicide Trail.


Where does This...End?

I'm about EXPLODE.

If that water...reaches the Rabbit Hole, before I can get everything sold, it will be devastating.
The Rugs...alone, would cost many thousands to replace.
If...I could find...them, again.
Our Basement losses, would be...a thimbleful...compared to The Rabbit Hole.

So... don't ever wonder, why...I can't sleep at night.

I've learned, like my Christmas Gift, from the Kids...says, 

"Some Days...There Just Isn't Enough Wine In The World."

: ( : ( : ( 

: )
I, needed That, reminder.

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