Monday, December 14, 2020

Rabbit Hole...Sale. What I Know, today.

Here's What I Know.

The Rabbit Hole Sale
Will begin...
March 11-14, 2021.

I don't believe there is any way...I can do one weekend.
It, will be ongoing, every Month....the second weekend, {4 days } of each.

As stated before...I plan on regrouping...after each Sale, adding more, reducing prices, month after month.
There's Much.

Buildings are Full.
The Grounds...are Full.
Truck's, and Trailer's...are Full.
With the IDOT having this all tied up, for two years, and...only One Show, this year...last January...well...
it's Insane.

I've purchased 3 partial Estates, that are The Rabbit Hole, all...of it, in Jeopardy, from flooding, as the IDOT has been forewarned, for months, and done prevent it.

I warned them, before they broke ground...about our tiles.
They didn't, solely because of their negligence...when raising the elevation...for Fairfax's Wrongful...Trail, this year, our Home has Flooded Three Times.
Destroyed our Basement, and Many...Personal Treasures.
{The Engineer, who created the Trail Plans, in writing...said, "without accommodations for Fairfax's Trail...the {High Elevation} wouldn't be necessary." 
When the IDOT Agreed, after our Not put a Trail...on The Bridge, or...on any part of our Land...that was Taken, in our Recorded Settlement Agreement, I felt at ease.
Butchered...but, at ease.
Sadly, they Breached our Agreement, and built it...anyway.
They, and their workers...denied any Trail...all summer, as I watched them build it.
 Until...they couldn't.
I, knew...but...couldn't stop them.
I..tried, as I watched them take every ditch away...that protected us, from Flooding, and...Vehicles.
We are Sitting Ducks. 
{Hopefully...I'll be able to one, too. }

I've watched the water come So The Rabbit Hole, three times, this Summer, after the so called, 'Improvements', with minimal rain. {under 2 inches.} Completely over Stallman Drive.
{Never has happened before, in 40 years, that I've lived here.
I, thought sure...they'd fix these draining issues, but...the Project is coming to a close, and...they are Leaving It, in a Heap.}


I, can't wait...for them to grow Common Sense.

Mark your calendars, for the above dates....
It will either be here, or..we'll Truck it all...elsewhere, to be determined...later.
I, can't allow everything to be ruined.

I Truly...Appreciate All of the Kind...Support.
Everyone who knows me, understands, crushing.

I've had calls, from locals, who are concerned that I'm leaving here.
That's...Not Happening.
If I have to Hip Waders....until the IDOT Makes This Right.
Sadly, I can't Fit...the Rabbit Hole, with them.

Thanks, so Steph, and the Frond Design Folks...who have offered to
 'Build Berms!!!! Plant Trees!!! Build a Wall!!!".
: )
Steph...was All For It...until, she actually drove here, and looked the situation....over, up close.
She...called me, in tears.
: ( Bad.
You don't have to Engineering Degree, to see what the future holds.
Just... 'Common Sense'.

Steph, and I...aren't 'Quitters'. Overwhelming.

She offered to help me, in any pull these Sales together.

I can't think...about what the future holds, for The Rabbit Hole, right now.
I, can tell you this...when it's Safe, and Sound...
It'll Be Back.
; )
Never...ever, the same.... but, It'll Be Back.
It has to be. It's my only income.
it's my

No Tears.
Loads of Work, to be done.

So...Come Hell, or High Water....
{I'm used to Both}
We'll Git'er Done...
Beginning in March.

Above are a few images...of The Rabbit Hole, Pal...Sharon captured a few years back.
I'm so Grateful...she did. <3 

The 'logistics'...for this Sale....are of major concern, at this date.

I've had many Friends, call...and e-mail, with thoughts on this...
heartbreaking task.
I, also...need to touch base with my Lawyer.
I, plan to do that...after the Holidays.

After the first of the year...I'll have many more answers.

For today...
like The Song...goes, 
"I'll Take 'er Another...Round."
; )

This is the inside cover...of my Mom's Diary, I was Blessed with, a few days ago.
Mom...was 15, my Aunt...Helen...was 13, or 14.
They lived on the Farm, near Mason City...Iowa.
Seems, I come from pretty 'determined'....Stock.
<3 <3 <3 
; )

May God Bless... The Farmers, and...Mad Hatters. 
<3 You.
Prayers, for All.
Barb C.

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