Friday, September 17, 2021


 Heading to

Living Estate Sale...will be here, before we know it.
MUCH to get Sorted.
: )

Helper, Brandon...arrived, yesterday afternoon, but instead of working outside...
we decided to clean windows, in the house.
Outside, and in.
That's a job.

I, also...had some minor repairs to do...that required an extra pair of hands.
Needed tools, so...went to The FUSO, to grab them...
and saw that we'd had a Visitor, from District 6, either...yesterday, or the day before.
: )

Beside our 'Unacceptable' Drive, where water was Pooling, they threw a shovelful of dirt.
; )
oh my.
Didn't even take pictures of it...yesterday.
Shook my head...
and kept walkin'.

Captured a few...this morning.

isn't it.
: (

When I saw this...yesterday, thought to myself...
Those District 6 Boys....must Really....enjoy 
pushing my Buttons.
; )
Sorry, that didn't happen.
They ACTUALLY...made me Smile.
I Burst Out Laughing!!
I, mean....
: )

oh dear.

Above, and below...was before, with a little rain.

Yeah, that shovelful of dirt, is Gonna Fix Everything!!!

It's like putting a Band Aid, on the Hull of The Titanic.
; )
Bless their hearts.

That mess of a non-existing ditch...Thanks...Solely...
to IDOT's Wrongful...Fairfax Trail Accommodations,
was nothing but a Swamp, with a little over an inch of rain.
I was going to stand in it, but it would've been over ankle deep....couldn't drain...towards the 
Creek...just kept ponding.

Water Can't Drain...Uphill.
; )

Found it interesting....on the other side of the Worthless...Drive, where they threw a shovelful of dirt, in Front...of the Culvert, where water can't reach, making it...yet, More...difficult for water to Climb Uphill to, it...appears, they drove through it, and left a Tire Rut.

Maybe...they're Hoping...water can find it's the tire rut, to the Culvert.

I'm sure..IDOT, is short on Real...Equipment.
; )
They have such a small budget....ya know.
; )

They only have appears, for wrongful trail accommodations.

Makes me kinda sad...for them.
When I do a Job....I do the Very Best I Can.
It's My Signature, on my Completed Work.

Makes me a bit...nervous, and sad...
Maybe, they aren't trying to Push my Buttons, at all.
'The Best'...
District 6 is Capable Of.
: (

Their 'Signature's'...
Are All Over This.

Bless their hearts.

Love to Ya.
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

{What makes me even more sad...
Had District 6, Not Breached Our Recorded Agreement,
None of This Mess Would Be Happening.
The Money...that's been Wasted, Constant Flooding, Worry, Heartbreak...and Horrible Losses,
Would've All Been Avoided. }

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