Thursday, September 16, 2021

One a Time.

Spent the day...yesterday, with Friends.
It was a Lovely...Lovely....Day.
It always takes me a bit, after a Council Meeting, to unwind.
It's exhausting.

We all discussed the meeting.
Pal, Steph...was one of the Friends, I was with.
She never got inside City Hall, the other night.
She did figure out how to listen to it on the phone.
I, have little,, ever getting through.

We all just sat there, yesterday... going over everything that transpired, the night before.
Unless you're there, ya have no idea...
: (

Today...went through images of our property...from the last the IDOT, from back in the 1990's.
oh my God.
: ( : ( : ( God.
: ( : ( : ( 

I just sit here...and weep.
: ( : ( : (

As I write...I'm trying to remember...what 'normal'...used to be.
How we...somehow, found it...again, after...the last Butchering, by the IDOT.

Maybe...we never did.
I...don't know...anymore.

Is there such a 'normal'...after condemnation?

I don't know.

Pretty sure, there isn't...after a wrongful...condemnation.

The only people I'd ever wish...this kind of Hurt...'Agony'...on, are the ones who've inflicted this.
It's taken me a long...long, even wish 'this'....on them.
It's just....that wrong.
and...such a horrible say.
: (

I remember...being in Warrior Mode, in the 90's....too.
Watching what it did to John...tho, he tried not to show it.
I, could see it in his eyes.
: ( : ( : ( 

It used to beautiful.
: (

I'm thinking about Alison Krauss's tune...
"Can't Find My Way Home"

There are this one, when...I can't seem to find my way...

Is...there such a place...anymore, to find?
Does...'Home' even exist, anymore.

As my Friends, were visiting yesterday, I sat back...and listened.
Their Lives...Families...Businesses, keep turning.
I, had little to contribute.

Life...for me, has been pretty much consumed, with IDOT, and Fairfax...over the last 5 years.
The last year...and a half...has been absolute Hell.

When I watched District 6 breach our agreement, filled with constant denials, until...they couldn't...
 and is....
so incredibly...

I try to think about how John would handle this.
How...he'd want me, to handle...this.
All...of this.

{Just heard a saw, outside...ran out the door, to see
 'What Are They Up To....Now???'
It was someone across 151, at a business.}

Helper, Brandon...just called.
He's on his way, to help me cut, and haul... brush.

That's probably...what John...would do.
Keep busy.
Keep working.

I can do that...
Keep forging ahead.

One day at a time.
Keep looking Up. my Faith.

Some's mighty difficult.

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

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