Sunday, September 26, 2021

It's a 'Gratitude'....thing.

Worked down The Rabbit Hole, yesterday.
Nearly went to Waterloo, but...knew, I'd be there every day, through the sale...
{October 7-10}
beginning Monday.
Thought...I'd better do as much as I could, at Home...before time gets tight.

No more...than got trimming, and the weed whip string...went to hell.
: (
I started thinking about All of the things, Dad taught me, while growing up.
How to drive everything from Horses, to Semis.
How to load a Truck, and not leave an inch to spare.
How to properly tie down a load, or bind a car body, so everything got to where it was goin'...
How to change oil, and tires.
How to stand at an his bidding, without missing an item.
Dad...taught me how to use a gun, accurately, and safely.
He taught me how to fish.
: )
<3 <3 <3 

But...the one thing, Dad never taught me...was how to string a weed whip.
John...tried to show me, years ago.
both, Dad..and John, quickly things would go South, while dealing with tangled fishing line...masses of Christmas lights, and...yes, weed whip string.

It was try to teach me 'patience'...and time consuming.
They could have it done, in the Blink of an Eye.
wouldn't have to witness my FRUSTRATIONS!!
; )
Or...Worse, have to Duck, as a Weed Whip Goes Sailing Through The Air!!

With Dad, and John...gone, Son, Justin...Helper, Brandon...or, any Kind...Man, I could Wrangle, would have to help me with the weed whip string.
: )
I was on my own.
Knew...if I couldn't figure it out, it wasn't going to get done.
{I wrote a long post about it, last night. A better post, but...after re-reading it, it made me so damned sad, I deleted it.}

I tore the weed whip apart, and figured it out., I know how to do it.

{I never once doubted that 'I could', Dad...taught me that, too.
I was very Blessed, I didn't have to.}

The sad part...
I wish I didn't know how.
Doesn't make any some, I suppose.

I Always...Appreciated The Wonderful Things, that John, Dad...and others...have done for me, that...I so detest.

They never thought it was a big deal.
It me.
It was....
to me.

I MISS...doing things for Them, too, to Appreciation, for all they did.

Loved to fix them special meals, and bake their favorite Pies.
{John's Favorite...was Lemon Meringue. <3
Dad's Favorite, was Gooseberry, but...they were hard to get...out of season, so...
he'd happily settle for my Dutch Apple.

I loved to wait on them...too.
: )
Fix their plates, and watch them enjoy what 'I can do'...well.
What comes...'easy'...for me.
: )
{may not...anymore, I haven't baked a Lemon Merengue, or Gooseberry Pie, in years.}

They both worked So Damned Hard, for us...
it was my Serve Them.

While talking to Daughter, Liz...about this, a while back, she thought my way of thinking...was out dated, after I asked her, if she was going to fix Adam a 'plate', or should I...while she, and I were getting our own.
She said he was capable.

We'll have to agree, to disagree....about this.

It's not a 'Women's Rights' deal.
It's a show...of Gratitude...
in my...opinion.
{John has fixed my plate, when I was too tired to move, as well. <3 }

I did the same for Mom, as she got older.
This world, can be difficult.
Being able to take a tiny bit of stress off of someone, bring a their faces, that's my opinion. Thoughtful, of others.
Caught myself waiting on Bob, Bill's Dad...the other night, at Supper.
: )

He turns 80, today.
: )
Watching him hard, reminded me of my Dad.

Working by the Rabbit Hole...or, anywhere...outside, here...after this wrongfulness...
is so difficult.
Stirs many memories, and emotions.
I am proud of myself...every time I can make it there.
Even if I don't get a lot accomplished, just...'going'...there, is a Huge...

It was my Sister, Merry Jo's Birthday, on the 24th.
: )
Called her, as we were driving Home...from Waterloo, Friday night.
She lives in Washington State.
It's just her, and, out of seven of us.
The last few years, have taken most all of our family away.

She kinda started drilling me, about why I don't have the shop open.
She doesn't have a clue.
Nobody does...until they see it, first hand.

 Had to put the brakes on that conversation.
Told was Her Birthday, let's talk about 'Her'.
; )

Well... it's time to get busy.
Have to pick up six dozen Eggs, from a Farmer...I met during my Aunt's Estate Sale.
50 cents a dozen, 1.00 a dozen for Duck Eggs.
That's Amazing!
The Duck's have quit laying, for now... sadly.
I much prefer Duck Eggs, to Chicken Eggs.
Since I don't eat much meat...anymore, Eggs are one of my favorite sources of protein.
Peanut's, too. <3
We each have one egg a day, for breakfast.
Farm Raised, Free Range, are The Very Best.

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.


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