Saturday, September 18, 2021


{Bob, and some of his Toys.}

While working in Waterloo, yesterday...
{Living Estate Sale, Coming in October}
I...believe, I was given some of the best compliments, anyone...has ever given me.

Bob, Pal, Bill's Dad...walked up to me, while I was working in the kitchen...of his old house, and said...
"You have this place looking so good, think I'd like to move back in."
: )
{Bob, and his late Wife...Darlene, moved into an Independent Living complex, when Darlene became very ill...a few years ago.}

I Cannot Tell You, How Wonderful...That Was, for Hear Him Say.

Bob, has Struggled, So...with this Sale.
He's been so fearful...about how it's all going to come together.
He couldn't believe...we could pull it all together.
I, totally...understand.
It must be unsettling, worrisome...
putting your 'Life' someone's hands.
{Well...we know it is.}

Bob, insists on taking us to lunch...daily.
; )
I try to pay, at least...leave the tip...
No Way.
Bob...won't Hear...of It.
{I even told him...I'd Arm Wrestle him...for the check, yesterday.
: )
He declined, and said...I'd have to let him Win, A Battle, every now and then......
without a fight.
: ) 
<3 }

Yesterday, at lunch...he said...he wants to pay us More, than what we agreed on.
{That's a First. }
Told Bob, "Absolutely Not."
went on..and said...if I didn't have to try stay Alive, right now...
I, wouldn't charge all.
; )

Both, Pal...Bill, and myself, so enjoy...Helping People.

When we walk an Estate, Living...or, not...
we know, this is Difficult for the Families.

We've both 'been there'.

Bob said... "You aren't going to show before and after pictures, are you?
; )

Hell No.

{I keep assuring Bob, THIS Isn't So Bad. : ) and...My Places, is also a 'Catch All'.
If ya 'Collect'...{Especially...with Our Kinda Passion, over the Years...for 'Collecting'...well...: ) Things, can get a little, or a Lot...out of hand, at times.
Especially...Over 4, 5....and 6, DECADES. }

Bob...keeps looking at things, and So Want's to PITCH!!

I keep telling him, we need to try to sell it first.
; )
NOTHING Hit's the Trash, or Scrapper, unless we put it there.

At the end, if it's still here, it can be donated, scrapped...recycled....or pitched.
We Have to Give Everything a Chance.
; )

Bill brought up several box's of old hardware, gnarly...rusty hooks, and hinges, from the basement, yesterday.
Bill said... "Talk to Dad, he want's to send this Scrap."
: (

So...took Bob, outside...we sat on the porch, and started going through all of it.
Bob, said... "Nobody's going to want This Junk."
; )
Told Bob...he'd be surprised.
; )
He picked out a Gnarly, Rusty...Old...Hook, and asked,
 "Now Who Would Want THIS??? You could go to the Store, and buy a Nice...Shiny New One...for a few dollars."

I looked at him, and said...
"If ya collect Antiques, and want to hang a Lantern, Old...'Anything', try finding...a Gnarly...Old...Hook, to Complement Your Antique, at 'The Store'.
That's Not...going to Happen.
'New'...Sticks an Ugly Smashed Thumb, with 'Old'.
I have Friends, who resort to soaking 'New', in Vinegar...and other acids...for weeks, to Achieve... This 'Look'."

Bob, smiled...
"I think you all are 'Crazy'."
{another...'compliment'. ; ) }

My reply...
"All of the best people...are, Bob."
: )

Wasn't long...before I had Bob...picking out some Very Cool Things, go to 'scrap'.

As we were sorting...ran across the piece above.
I, knew I'd owned something like it, before...
it's been decades.
I, thought it had something to do with a Screen Door.

Turns out, it does.
: )

It's to stop the screen door, from slamming.

Where ya gonna find one of 'Those' a Store, today.
: )

It's truly...been a Pleasure, working with Bob.
We had many conversations sittin', sortin'...on the Porch.

He's going to turn 80, in a couple of weeks.
: )

Got Bob laughing so hard...talking about my 'Battles' with Fairfax, and IDOT District 6..., 
he asked me to 
Thought his bladder...couldn't Take Much More!!!
; )
: ) some, it's quite a 'Show'.
Quite...a 'Story'.
oh my.

It's a 'Show'...alright.
We...know Exactly, what 'Kind' of a 'Show'.
; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

{Think I was born...several decades, too late.
I Dig....Folks, much Older...than myself.
Common Sense, seems to have been watered down...over the years.
Certainly...not with Everyone.
; )
There are Many...Wise Young Folks.
{Blessings <3 }
I, just feel we are missing so much, by not listening... and conversing, with Older...Folks.
They...Are Blessings.
<3 }


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