Friday, September 11, 2020

I've Officially Lost my mind. oh dear.

Sadly...we all knew, it was happen.

: (
Between the steroids, martinis...and benadryl....yes, I've lost my mind.
Throw in...a Mess of Stress, I've got hives...all over m body, that...simply, won't go away.

Visited with my Saint...of a Dr., yesterday.
The good news...
my blood pressure, is really good.
I've lost...about 30 pounds.
{need to lose a bunch more, after gaining so much...this year. : ( } lungs, sound a Bell.
but, I've paid a heavy price...for all of the good.
I've lost my mind.
: ( 

The hives... it seems are stress related.
As I was filling in my Dr., about what's been transpiring, around home...
I had him hard. : )
{most likely, my colorful language...tweaked his funny bone.
 Not, my usual...'self'.}
the more I talked...about the IDOT, and Fairfax...
the more I itched.
Guess, this all, is pretty entertaining...if you're not living in it.
oh my.

So....until I get my mind , somewhat back, to normal...from the steroids....
Block me, from your phone.
Block me, from your FB.
Read my your own risk.
We'll be friends, later.

I, don't long this will take.
Last was a long....time.
: (
I'm not sure...I ever fully recovered.
oh my.
I can breathe.
Guess...that's something.

I'm going to try....and work down the rabbit hole.
It's insane, there....
we make a pretty good team.
I was hoping to be open, the end of the month.
I've got to be.
oh my.

Love to Ya...
Barb C.

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