Nobody can, here...
What we thought was clean fill, for EIB, across from the Rabbit Hole, and our Home....
is, actually, Old Highway Concrete, and Asphalt.
Mountains, and Mountains...of It!!
I, can't BREATHE!!!
I, wondered why, I was having such a hard time breathing.
I'm using 3x, the meds, I normally breathe.
Now, I'm back on steroids. {I, can't stand...'steroids'. : ( }
I've been on the phone with IDOT District 6, {Newman} The Linn County Health Department, {Shane}
Fairfax's Mayor, Senator Rob Hogg, and, Josey Wales, our Lawyer.
Josey, Rob...and Shane, have been On It.
I, was sobbing, trying to catch my breath, when I called the health department, this morning.
It's pretty Scary, when your Lungs are Filling Up...with Concrete Dust.
I, even left a message, for my Beloved...Dr.
I, can't Have This...Dump Site, next to us.
I, can't Believe....the IDOT Permitted This.
All of, next to This SITE... have health issues...
When they did this, 25 years ago... their Dump Site, was in a Farm Field, with No Close Neighbors.
This Isn't Livable.
Not, for me.
: ( : ( : (
The House, and Shop....are Full of Thick Concrete Dust.
: (
It's Insane.

They finally tried to put water on it, late...this afternoon. That, lasted minutes. That Dump Site, Has to Go.!!! IT NEVER SHOULD'VE BEEN THERE!!!!
WOW!!! : ( : ( : (
I...Love, Fairfax, and...the The PCI Boys, who...I, know...are working so hard.
They, aren't to blame...for Fairfax's, and the IDOT's wrongful...decisions.
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