Sunday, June 16, 2024

Wishing All The Great Dads... a Happy Father's Day!!

There's not a single day... that slips by, that I don't think of Dad.
: )
Yesterday started a long post, about my oldest Brother, Sonny.
Sonny and Dad... were so much alike, yet... not.
: )
When Sonny and I would visit...about Dad, Sonny would mostly refer to Dad...
as 'Our Dad', but... during some conversations, Sonny would refer to Dad, as...
'Your Dad'.
Yes... Indeed.
: )
: ) : ) : )

While visiting with my Cousin, Julie... recently, during The Memorial Day Weekend Sale, oh my...
{hadn't visited with her in decades.}
It was So Great... hearing her beautiful stories... 'Memories' of her Uncle 'Bud'.
{Family always called Dad, 'Bud'.}
Don't know what we were talking about.... but, she said... at times, her Dad,
 {Dad's older brother, Ted}, Dad's other Kids... and certain Family members... 'at times', couldn't quite understand all of Dad's 'Shenanigans'... but, she said....
"Barbie... you always defended him. You two, were so close."
That's a Fact.
; )
Ya want to get on my bad side... start talkin' smack, about Dad.
Uh... oh. 
; )

Dad... was Loved by most everyone.
He was so kind, to people... almost, to a fault.
He'd give someone his last dime, if they were in trouble, which... was a big problem, with Mom, and his Family, because... Dad's kindness... would sometimes put us all in a bind.
: )

Dad... Lived Life, and... he Lived it, 'His Way'.
That's something... few people can say, or understand.
Dad...was a Character, for sure.
Smart as a Whip, and... Very Quick... in a slow... gentle, manner, with a comeback, to someone who was a bit too cocky.
; )
Just watching Dad... 'handle'... certain situations, was like watching Poetry in Motion.
: ) : ) : )
Remember... during one of the last conversations... I had, with Sonny, about 'Our' Dad....
Sonny said, 
"Your Dad.... could Argue Both Sides of The Isle, {politics} Convincingly... and Never Voted ONCE... in His Life!!"

: )
Oh my Lord...
: )
I remember watching Dad do it, just to rile people up.
; )
He'd never get mad... he'd keep smiling, as others were about to Blow Their Tops!!
His Shocking Blue...  Eyes, would Sparkle with a Mischievous Irish Twinkle...
as his 'opponent', would be Losing Their Minds!!

The funny thing is, the opponents he'd twist into a pretzel, LOVED Dad!!
Nobody could stay mad at him.
: ) : ) : )
Dad... was so incredibly Easy Goin'.
oh... my.
; )

We didn't have many years together... I was 23 when Dad passed away.
Dad... and I were inseparable...  pretty much, while I was growing up.
He'd take me with him... everywhere he could.
Mom told me... how some of Dad's friends, would tease Dad... saying...
"Never thought I'd see 'Marion Conner' change a baby's diaper."
{Back then, Men didn't often change diapers. : ) }
Dad didn't care about their opinions.

The Crazy Shenanigans... we'd get into.
The Many, Many.... Roads, we traveled.
So Many 'Tight Spots'... that, most... always turned into a Wonderful Memory.
; )
The Amazing People... we met, on those 'Excursions'.
Dad had Friends... that were millionaires, and... Friends who were penniless.
He always treated everyone the same.

There was a certain 'type' of person... Dad wouldn't tolerate for long, tho.
He'd refer to 'those' kind of
"Baby Robins."
: )

Dad would say... about someone... who might be a little full of themselves, or...a little too cocky, 
"Barbie... that guy kinda reminded me of a 'Baby Robin'...
all mouth, and full of shit."


{I can pick a 'Baby Robin' type of  person, out... mighty quick, thanks to Dad.}
: )

Dad, wasn't perfect... 
Nobody is.
 Dad... was Genuine, through, and through.
There wasn't a 'Phony' Bone... in His Body.
He was Honest... and one of The Hardest Working Men, I've Ever Known in my life.
Dad was Kind... Thoughtful, Caring, and Respectful... to Everyone.
Dad was a Daredevil... at times.
; )
A 'Free Spirit'... For Sure!!

I've Always Counted my Lucky Stars, for being 
'Marion Conner's Daughter'.

Happy Father's Day.

Love to Ya....
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

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