Thursday, June 27, 2024

Beautiful Day... in Iowa.

It's a Beautiful Day... in Iowa!!
; )

Got All of The Mowing Done.
'J'... did the trimmin'... and I did the Ridin'.
: )
Love That Mower!!
He Doesn't Love Me!!
: (....
: )

The Boys left... as I was mowing.
No more... than got the Lawn Manicured.... 
and The Mower Quit.
: ) : ) : )
Probably that same 'wire'. 
Didn't watch Justin fix it, so... have No Idea, Which...
of Many, Many.... 'Wires', could be the problem.
could be something I'm doing...or Not doing.
I'm Old School.
; )
'Simple... Simple... Simple'.
Like It That Way!!!
; )
The Mowing is DONE!!
for this week.
; )

The Boy's will have to take a look at The Mower, or... Son, Justin... could simply walk up to it... hit the switch, and It Would Start Right Up...
For Him!!!
: )

Received some long awaited 'news' today... concerning Fairfax, and IDOT...
{Iowa Department of Transportation}
oh my.
; )
ran across the above, Winston Churchill quote.
: )

After dealing with Both of the Above, for So Incredibly Long, all I can say, is...
"Truer Words were Never Written."
; )

At Fairfax's 'Special' City Council Meeting, on June 24, I'd intended on asking some questions.
after listening to them all.... 'Watching' them... at that meeting, decided to...
 'Remain Silent'.
: )
'Questions' will be asked... at a later time.

The City's Clerk, still hasn't posted that meeting, on YouTube.
I'll... share it, when she does.
{if she doesn't....  {another 'camera mishap'... } 
I'll share what I have.
: )

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

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