Friday, June 7, 2024

Crazy Times.

Bill's Tent, took a Stroll... yesterday afternoon, behind the house.
It was SO Windy!!
When I let Miss. Peanut, outside... yesterday afternoon, saw Bill's poor tent, in a ball.
: (
Couldn't get a hold of Bill...
but, knew I had to get the canopy off of the frame, at least.
{just bought a new canopy for one of my tents, they aren't cheap}
That wind... would've kept pushing it, and completely destroyed it.
Managed to get it off, and take the tent apart, myself.
That... was Interesting.
: )

It appears the tent isn't bent, and the canopy is in tact.
It moved 50, and 75 pound weights, 10 feet, before I could get it all apart.
Wind, like 'Water'... has a Mind of its own.
oh my.


Only lost one wine glass, that was sitting on the concrete table.
Couldn't Believe... Everything Else Survived!!

Even the glass compote, with apples in it, that the Squirrel's are munching on...
Stayed Upright..... with the Massive Tent on Top of It All!!
: )

Couldn't fold up the big canopy, myself... in the wind, but... have everything safely tucked inside The Gazebo.
; )
Bill's coming today, to help get everything packed up.
; )

Stumbled across the two below memes, yesterday.
Didn't get to 'Bake' any Pies, yesterday....
but, still... managed to get a chuckle or two...
; )

: )
; )

Oh my...
Had to Smile, when I ran across the above, yesterday.
; )

oh dear...
Never ran from the 'cops'... but, remember several times, while hanging out with a Pal, who happened to be a 'Debbie', 
outrunning a Park Ranger, as Crazy Kids.
{no wine, or stogies were involved.}
; )
We were riding our Horses in a Cedar Rapids Park, visiting a Native American Tribe's Camp. 
They were camping at that Park, while a Federal Trial, concerning Their People, was going on in Linn County.

{The People LOVED having us visit with the Horses, day after day.
 They so enjoyed riding them, too.
The Children made us beaded jewelry... and showed us, how to string beads, as they all took turns riding our Horses. <3 }
The Park Ranger, didn't want us visiting on Horseback....
He tried, several times, to chase us off.
: )
Our Horse's were pretty quick.
; )
Debbie, and I... KNEW that area, and Timber, surrounding The Park, very well.
: )
{We 'LIVED'... on Horseback, back then, in that area. We Knew The Lay of The Land!! }
; )
Our Horses could Sail over Logs, Brush... and Fences.
oh my.
; ) 
The Ranger's little buggy, didn't have a Snowball's Chance, catching us.
The Native Americans ... got quite a kick out of our 'Visits'.
: )

Our Parents... had No Idea, we were spending so much time at 'The Park'...
: )
They never asked.... we, never volunteered any 'details'.
: )

Won't say... a little later, in our Teens, we didn't sip a little Boone's Farm...
Strawberry Wine, and...
maybe, smoked a few Marlboro Reds, at a few... Parties, back in The Woods...
while Debbie was 'staying' at 'my house'... and, I... was 'staying' at 'hers'.
; )

oh my.
: )

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

{for the record, me, and... 'Debbie', were about 10 years old, back then, visiting 'The People'. ; )  we had brains... back, then. : ) and... FAST Horses. <3 <3 <3 ; ) 
and...  a typewriter, that didn't Have a MIND of It's Own. : )
 Be careful of what you read, and believe... these days. 
We're living in 'The Twilight Zone'...
 'these days'... oh my. ; ) }

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