Friday, June 21, 2024

From one 'rabbit hole'... to another, today.


I'm posting a few images... below, of what I'd intended to write about, day before yesterday, 
I heard of Bobby's passing.

Pal, Bill... and I, went to meet with some Folks, concerning a possible Sale, Wednesday, late afternoon.
Usually... I'm the one who walks Folks through the Sale procedures, but...
got to visiting with the Owner, Richard, and who we knew in common, in the Farming area we were visiting...
where... I recall, 
and, often refer to...
as my 'Happy Place', as child...
; )
got a little side-tracked.
: )
Some won't believe this, but... I can get a little 'long-winded'... 
at times.
: )
Especially 'Long-winded'...
 while Strollin' down 'Memory Lane', with someone who's Strolled Down The Same Lane!!
: )
oh my.

I wasn't surprised, by everything Richard, and his Wife... had collected over nearly 70 years...
but, was Sure Taken Back... by Richard's Garden.
: )

Richard planted it himself.
It's Beyond...
Impressive, to Say The Least.
: )
Beautiful Garden!!

After our 'Visit', Richard handed me a Jar... of His Bread and Butter Pickles, he put up, last year, from his Garden.
<3 <3 <3 
Richard... is 89 years old.
He puts in an Amazing Garden... and Cans... Tons of Produce, every year.
: ) : ) : )

Richard told me... he used to raise 400 Cattle, every year, and... I don't remember How Many...
Grain Farmed, MANY Hundreds of Acres.
: )

That's the Way... 'Farming' was, back when Richard...
 Farmed, and long before, when my Dad... and his Great Grandparents Farmed.
: )
They had a little bit of Everything.
If... Hogs were selling cheap, the Beef, hopefully... would not be.
If... Corn was cheap, hopefully... Beans, would not be.

These days...
It's mostly... Corporate Farming.
All Grain.
All Beef.
All Hogs.
All Poultry.

It's probably much easier... 
but, somehow... 
not sure... it's 

Time... will tell.
Richard told me some of the Benton County, Iowa, Farm Ground, is selling for nearly 30,000 an acre.
Not quite sure... how it will ever pay for itself, especially... when a New Tractor, without attachments, could cost around a Million Dollars, to 'Farm' it, these days.
oh my.

Dad... Farmed 80 acres, with Horses... and Mules, back in the 1920's, and 30's.
Iowa... Farming Has Come A Long Way.... Baby!!
: )
I'd bet.... land was selling across Iowa, back then... for, 10, to 30 dollars an acre, at best.
many Lost their Farms, back in the day,
The Farmer's couldn't pay for them... at that price... or, even pay for the seed, to plant the Fields.

What's Changed???
30,000 an Acre.


As much as I want to open that jar...
oh my...
: )
It's  almost....
 Too Beautiful...
: )

Such a Lovely, Lovely... Visit.
; )

Bobby... and all of his Loved Ones, have sure been on my heart.

I... didn't even get dressed, yesterday.
Went down a 'rabbit hole'...
and stayed there.

Justin 'J'... sent me the above picture of Romeo, yesterday.
Seems, Romeo... stayed down a 'rabbit hole', too.

Critters 'know'.
They...  'feel'... too.

I've got to find my feet, today.
So much to get done.
Think... maybe, I'll find my way to the other...
'Rabbit Hole'... for a bit.
get lost... inside it, for a while.
It's gonna be a hot... sultry, and stormy... day, they say.
Have to keep an eye out, for the now... worrisome flooding issues, 
so hadn't better stray too far.

Love to You.
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

For the record, I, somehow wish, well...  I Pray for All Concerned.
Bless Their Hearts.

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