Saturday, June 29, 2024

One... of 'Those' Days.


Ever have 'One of 'Those' Days'???
It's a Beautiful Day... outside, but....
 felt like The Bunny... under Glass.
; )
I'm havin' one of 'Those' days, today.

I'd like to feel a little guilty... about it, but...
somehow, I really don't.
; )
{maybe... just a little.}

Speaking for myself, I...sometimes 'need' just a little 'down time'.
: )
Lock 'the world'... 
Crazy World....


{There's so very much I'd like to share... but, can't... just yet. : ( }

Sometimes.... like, today, gaze at the old, old... Martin House, and wonder what it would be like...
to stumble across an Old... Farmhouse, like it, and walk through it.
: )
Furnish... and decorate every room, that had been long ago 'abandoned'.
{my kinda 'Doll House'. ; ) }

Bought the old Martin House... decades ago.
Have always kept it, because... the very first time I laid eyes on it, that was my First Thought.
: )
Today, like way back then... I can See The Rooms in That Old Martin House fitted with Beautiful Crystal Chandeliers... 
Old, worn... Velvet Victorian Sofas, and Chairs.
 French Cabinets... 
Old, Painted... Farm Cupboards, 
a Massive Harvest Table... that would seat at least a Dozen People... in Old, Primitive... Gnarly Chairs.
: )
I... could go on, and on.
: )
That's why... I've always kept it.
: )
It makes me Dream.
: )
'escape' every now and then.

' Priceless'.

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

{Better Days are Coming. <3 : ) }

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