Sunday, June 23, 2024

A 'Snippet'... of The Rabbit Hole, yesterday.

Ya... almost, can't 'see' the 'wrongfulness'.

The Wild Grape... is working Hard to Cloak...
The Rabbit Hole from 'Fairfax'... IDOT, and 151.
{Bless their hearts.}

This Guy...
has been The Rabbit Hole's 'Mascot' for Decades.

Can't look at an old... key, without thinking of a beautiful story I read long ago...
The story... was reminding the reader to never give up....
for, it may be the Last Key... on the ring, that...
Opens The Door.
: )




Farmer Friends, Lynn and Lea, gave me the above... 
old, Toy Panel Truck, a while back.
: )
Kinda looks like The '49 Ford.
It's a Rabbit Hole 'Mascot', too.

Mid 1800's hand punched tin, Pie Safe door.

Found the above... Southern Iowa... Crazy Quilt, decades ago, at the What Cheer Flea Market.
; )
It...wasn't for sale, it was laying in the back of a Stock Trailer... being used for a 'packing blanket'.
oh... dear.
I, uh... asked the Vendor, if he'd be willing to sell it.
For the right price, he said he would.
: )
I... asked him, what 'that' might be.
: )
I'm thinkin' he said... 10.00. Might have been 20.
: )
What's even Better, Our Peg... got so sick of Folks asking for a price for the 'Not for Sale'...
 Old...Crazy Quilt, 'She'... made the tag, and pinned it on the Old... 'Survivor'. 
; )
'Priceless'.... for Sure.

This... Old Pie Safe, side panel... came from Friend, Susan Shire, long, long... ago.
: )
It covers The Rabbit Hole's back door's window.



: )


The Milkweed around The Rabbit Hole... is Growing Tall, and Proud.
Think of  Sweet Audrey, and John... when I see it, and... Smell its Amazing Scent.
John... was the first person to tell me to take a Whiff of the Beautiful... Flowers.
I've always admired Milkweed, but... never smelled their flowers.
: )
They smell like Honeysuckle!!
No Wonder The Butterflies Love Milkweed... So!!
: )

Until my 'Boyfriend', Mr. DeWalt... {weed trimmer} returns, it's gonna look a little shaggy, on the ground,
 around The Rabbit Hole.
: )
{No ; ) }

; )


So Much Wild Grape... this year.
The Birds will eat Well... 
this Winter.

Was up... very early this morning.
Wanted to grab some Breakfast Grub...
 for Son, Justin, Christy... and The Grandkids. 
Visit... with them all, for a bit, before the Girls had to go back to their other home.

Got 'em All... outta bed, this mornin'... around 8.
: ) : ) : )
; )
Wanted to visit with Miss. Meadow, and Miss. Willow, a little, about Bobby.
: )
Bobby, the Kids... and Grandkids, were So Very Close.
; )

Our visit... went Very Well.
: )
Images... tomorrow.
: )

Love... to You.

Barb C.

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