Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Another Day.

The Darling... little late 1800's Child's Cupboard, came from Peg's Daughter, Sarah.
It belonged to Sarah's Grandmother.
Peg's Mom, and Dad... were Huge Antique Collectors, and Dealers.
They had some Amazing Things.
Oh my.
: )

Love how the upper shelf was made from an old soap box.
Back then... People Used what They Had.... to make things.

Was gonna write about it, yesterday...
before the horrible accident on 151, Threw me Into a Tizzy, the rest of the day.
{and... Night. }
: (

Sarah... asked me if I wanted the above, Urn.... Sunday.
Yeah Boy!!!
; )

Justin 'J'... wasn't nearly as 'excited' as I was, when he saw it.
: )
It's a Heavy Load.
; )
we managed.
; )
That Moss/Lichen is SO Cool... Growing All Over It!!

When we got Home... from picking up the Urn...
we were going to mow.
{didn't get it done... yesterday.}
No more... than got started mowing, with my New Boyfriend, 
The Powerful...
Zero-Turn Mower....
: )
It Broke a Belt!!
: (
A hundred dollars, and change... for a New Belt, then driving to get it...
put me out of The Mood, to Mow...
: ( : ( : (

We did some trimming, 
and called it a Day.
; )
We'll Take It All On, tomorrow.
; )
{Thought of the Jimmy Buffett Tune...
When that Belt Broke... and Everything Quit Turnin'....
felt like I 'Blew Out my Flip-Flop'...
while 'Steppin' on a Pop-Top'!!
: ) : ) : )
; )

Pal, Mark... sent a Pair... of these Cool Foo Dogs home with us, yesterday... when we delivered his things from The Memorial Day Weekend Sale.
: )

Can't walk by the Beautiful... Monster Fountain, without taking a picture of its base.
Those Babes... make me smile.

After a Long... Morning, and early Afternoon, of seemingly not getting Near Enough Done, 
told 'J'... the old Fairfax DQ has a New Ice Cream and Sandwich Shop, in it, that's Just Opened!!
: )
That Perked Him Up!!
: )
Asked him... if he was hungry.
: )
'J''s reply....
in a very 'cool'... 'not very interested' way,
"I... could probably eat something."
: ) : ) : )

That 'Look'... is, 
'Grandma... SERIOUSLY!!??'
doesn't like having his picture taken.
; )

Above is the accident, from yesterday, on 151, in Fairfax, Iowa.
I was standing next to the '49 Ford, by The Rabbit Hole.
it was pretty close to 'Home'.
Heard... at The Bank, this morning... it involved a Semi, and a car.
A Friend, told me... she'd heard the crash sounded like bomb exploded.
: ( : ( : ( .....
{Great Place for a Bike Trail... Next To This Highway. GADS!!}

Justin 'J' and I... were on the north side of  our property, loading The Ford, when it occurred.
There were so many First Responders...  trying to get to the scene, we knew it had to be another bad one.
Haven't heard anything about the condition of those who were involved.
Praying for Them.

I wondered WHY... vehicles weren't pulling over for the Deputies, yesterday...
in front of our home.

They couldn't SEE The Deputies, coming up behind them, in front of our home.
That Trail Bridge.
It's been Elevated so High... on the Curve, for a Bike/Pedestrian Trail, for Fairfax....
just like when I turn right... into my drive, or... people turn right, onto Stallman, just past our drive...
many times would get rear-ended.... if people didn't jump into the Left Turn Lane.
Happens All of The Time, Now.
We were pretty concerned there were going to be More Than One... Major Accident, on 151, in Fairfax, Iowa... yesterday.
: (
: (

The Elevation... of that Bridge, is a Problem.
{Who Knew... they'd have to Raise That Bridge, 3 Feet... or more for a Bike Trail???
The IDOT District 6 Engineers... I would think, should've known.}
A Big Problem, that seems nobody at IDOT District 6, or Fairfax... thought of.
But, then...again, had IDOT Not Breached Our Recorded Agreement, 
we wouldn't be having this 'Problem'... and,

We wouldn't be concerned about the Size, and Elevation... or the HUGE Cost, of The West Cemetery Road Bridge, either. 
in my opinion....
This All Ties Together.

Fairfax, Iowa.... City Council Meeting, tonight.
I'd better start sharpening those...
Needles, for my eyes.

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

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