Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Not Goin' There.

Can't Believe It's Been 5 Years...
since I brought 'Mr. DeWalt'...
 my 'Other' Boyfriend... Home.
Where Does The Time Go???

Was Up, and Running... 'Trimming' brush, Early.
 Was using the long reach loppers, and hand pruners...
 cutting back vines, most of the morning.
Holy Smokes!!
I Live in a JUNGLE!!
; )
moved on to Mr. DeWalt.
'Weed Whip'!!
<3 <3 <3 
LOVE That Guy!!

Slipped in his Freshly Charged Battery....
Mr. DeWalt... barely spun.
: (
: (
He was working Just Fine, last week.
Had Justin 'J'... take a look at him. 
When 'J' moved the 'Hi-Lo' Switch...
He Worked!!
: )
for a moment.
: (
: (....
Was on the phone Forever... it seemed, with DeWalt.
Then... with the Store I purchased him from...
Then, a Tool Repair Shop.
oh dear.
: (
{Everyone... was SUPER Nice, and tried to be helpful. <3 }
Bailed in Sally, took My Buddy, Mr. DeWalt... to The Tool Repair Shop, across Cedar Rapids.
Oh My Gosh...
That... was Priceless.
: )

The Sweet Gal, 'Clerk', whom I'd talked with on the phone, about 30 minutes prior to mine, 
and Mr. DeWalt's arrival, knew us, on Sight.
: )
She said... "Are you the person I just spoke with a few minutes ago?"

She got my info, and said I could take the battery back with me, because they have their own.
Told her... I couldn't pop it out. It's a Mess to take out, and after all of the trimming I'd done this morning, my right wrist wasn't up... for a Fight, with that battery.
; )
There was a Kind Man... standing next to me, he said....
"Oh, here... let me get it for you."
: ) : ) : )
I gratefully handed Mr. DeWalt over to The Kind... Man.
: )
Oh my...
He Fought with that battery.
 Held Mr. DeWalt, every which way....
then, said...
"Boy...!!! She's Tight In There!!"
: )
{yes... at that 'moment', had a 'Ron White'... 'moment'.
 I had the right to remain silent, but....
 being a 'Conner'... 
didn't have the 'ability'.}

Said, to The Kind Man....
"That's what 'He' said."
; )

The Kind Man... Turned BEET RED!!
The Clerk, Burst Out Laughing!!!
: )
The Kind Man, said... "I'm Not Touchin' That One....
; )
 A Guy Could Get In Real Trouble, These Days... If He Did!! 
; )

: ) : ) : )

The Clerk went on, and said... a Guy had come into their Store, a while back... and told her...
"Ya know... This Store... Is 'My' 'Porn' Shop. "
The Clerk, said... "That's a Fine Thing to Tell a Lady!! : ) 

That Store... Has Amazing Tools.
 ; )
 I was Very Impressed with It, myself!!
Even More... Impressed, when I asked another Clerk, at the counter... about a new head, for 
Mr. DeWalt, {if he can be repaired}
{don't go there. : ) }
I Hate... Stringing him. It's a Mess.
Everyone thinks so, who tries to help me with it.
Poor design.
: (
I go through a LOT of String.
I get pretty Aggressive, when I Trim.
Gitter Done!!!
; )
{again... don't go there. ; ) }

The other Clerk said... "They make a much better one, now.... that's not too pricey, and...
your... 'Mr. DeWalt', is One... that they also have a 'Brush Cutter' attachment for."
: ) : ) : )
{Caught myself... getting a little 'Flush', with That Thought!!! Woo Hoo!! : ) }
{not goin' there. ; )}

: )

In my defense... 
It's a Hot Day.
: )
I'd already worked a Long Day, by 10 a.m.
well, I'm a 'Conner'.
; )

Got home... a bit ago, cut up some Watermelon, 
checked my email.
Had one... from Fairfax's Mayor, concerning The Iowa Department of Transportation.
; )
I'll address ...
 tomorrow, or... the next day.
; )
Have ta 'Chew'...
 on 'It'... a bit.
; )

Pal, Bill... and I, are looking at an Estate Sale, tomorrow afternoon.
Sounds interesting.
About 70 years of 'Living'.
It's situated in a little Town, not far from The Rabbit Hole, where... I have some very fond childhood memories.
: )
 Up, Early... tomorrow, again... doing more 'Trimming'.
: )
The Push Mower... and Hand Tools, will Have to Do.
; )

Pal, Judy... {'Stash' Sumner, Iowa }
brought these Beautiful 'Heart'... Jewelry Caskets, and Trinket Boxes, to me last week.
They belonged to her Mother in Law.
I'm keeping one, maybe... two, the rest will be headin' to The Rabbit Hole.

Pal, Mark... called yesterday.
Told me...
He Had an AMAZING SALE... at The Old...
 Norway, Iowa...
 Grain Elevator!!
: ) : ) : )
Wanted me to Thank EVERYONE Who Visited!!
: )
'Thank You'!!
: )

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

{I've edited this post ten times. : ) 'Tools' aren't easy to write about. Who Knew??}
; )
{can't even figure out what 'Tune'... to share with this post. Gads???
Like my Mother... would say,
 {Mom was Full Blooded Czech, and... called everything as She saw it...
"The more you Mess with Shit... The Worse It Stinks." }
: )

I'm certainly finding 'That' true, with 'This' post. : )
; )

So Grateful... for that Insane, 'Irish' side, Conner 'side', too.
; )

That Conner 'side'... kinda likes to mess...
with, uh...
: )

Just... sayin'.
; )

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