Sunday, June 2, 2024

Embracing... the 'Moments'.

Saturday Morning...
many, many... 'moments' of it, were so incredibly wonderful.
Such... a Gentle beginning, to the day, that are so few, and far between...
in our lives, for so many... these days.

Over the last many years...
I've learned to embrace those 'moments', with a Fierce Grip...
are all you may have of them.
Soak Them In...
Hold On...
to Them.
With a phone call... or, an e-mail...
a knock on the door,
in an instant...
that 'peacefulness' can evaporate.

The funny thing is, after starting Saturday off, so quietly, what was to come next...
'Ugly Blows'....
all I could 'see'...
were the Amazing Blessings, they truly... are.
; )

The phone call... well, That... was sad, and... kinda Crazy.
oh my. 
It was someone... who is Trying So Hard, but... is in a Tail Spin, trying to make sense, of some of the same issues, I've been trying to make some sense of, for many years.
; )
Guess he figures I'm kind of an 'expert'... by now.
: )
Just listening to his concerns... his bewilderment... of it all, oh my, took me back...
 to the beginning of my 'journey', being 'lost'... constantly chasing my tail... and, being intentionally 'misled'... at every single turn. 
oh my.
: (

I gave him the best advise... I could, that...
 my Battle Scars, and,
Festering Wounds....
have taught me, thus far.
; )

We'll see if he listens.
: )

I, was pretty stubborn, back in the day.
Sure... wanted to 'believe' ... too.
oh my.
; )
: (

Shortly after that long conversation...
received an e-mail.
: )
One... I Hope to be able to Share, in It's Entirety, along with every email leading up... to It,
 very soon.

It was So Beautifully Written, 'Drafted'....
Tears to My Eyes.

to read, but...

While sharing a few of the details... surrounding the above 'e-mail', I hadn't received... yet, 
during The Memorial Day Weekend Sale, with 'Friends'...
 many thought I should put everything out on FB, as well.
Get a petition started....
They assured me they'd be very anxious... to sign it.
: )

Can't do anything... without Lawyer Meardon's 'Blessing'.
When He... gives me the Green Light...
It's All...
His Hands.
; )

Grab Your Reading Glasses!!!
; )
It's Gonna Be A LONG... Ride!!
; )
I guarantee, 
You Won't Be Able to Put Your Glasses Down.

Six Years....
a Couple of Years, before Lawyer Meardon came on board.
Quite a 'Novel'...
oh my.
: (

After reading... listening... and, counting Blessings, took a walk.

The Wild, volunteer... Strawberries, and Daisies... {Our Peg <3 }
were Smiling, by The Rabbit Hole's front door.

The Herbs, I planted... for the first time... again, in many years, in the Old... Cupola Top, 
are growing like Crazy!!
Snipped a few, for The Vegetable Soup, I'd started, Saturday morning.

Walked through The Rabbit Hole, oh my.
Tryin' to put it back together.
Little by little.

down The Rabbit Hole.
: )
Workin' on it.
; )

Had... to make some Real Food, Saturday.
: )
Between the Estate Sale, and The Memorial Day Weekend Sale...
Oh My Lord!!!
All we eat... on The RUN....
is 'Junk'!!
{Tasty Junk}
: )
: ( : ( : ( 
It's Time...
to Get Back To REAL FOOD!!
: )

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

Happy Birthday...
to John's Youngest Daughter,

37 years.
; )

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