Friday, June 28, 2024


Was a Crazy...  Busy...
kinda... Fun, day.
: )
Had to get the Tags... for 'The Fleet' today.
The Linn County Treasurer's  office was packed.
: )
Last day of the month.
; )
Ran into a couple of Friends, there... we had a long visit, waiting... for our numbers to be called.
: )
The Clerk, who got all of my Tags together... was a Gem.
: )
I... wouldn't want her job.
: )
: )
There was a Deputy Sheriff.... at the door, who... said... as I was walking out...
"Have a nice day... Ma'am."
: )
Told him... I sure hoped he'd do the same, and...Thanked him, for His Service, taking Care of Us All,
 in such difficult times.
'These Days'.

The Deputy said... he was working The Linn County Fair, in Central City, Iowa...
: )
that he was looking forward to it.
: )

Told him, I hoped... it wouldn't get rained out.
It's been kind of a soggy day.
; )
That... Linn County Fair, is a Good One.
: )
Not too Big, not... too small.
: )
Just... Fun.
; )

picked up some much needed groceries, then hurried to meet with Pal, Bill.
We had to meet with the Folks... we'd met with...last week, concerning a
'Living Estate Sale', in Shellsburg, Iowa.
{One... of my old 'stomping grounds' as a child. : )}

Richard, the owner... had given me a Beautiful Jar of Sweet Pickles, he'd canned... last year, from his Garden, last week.
Told his Daughter in Law, Jesse, the other day... that Richard is gonna have to give me another Jar of Pickles...
 because... the Jar of Pickles he gave me last week...
are simply... Too Beautiful to Open.
: )

Jesse hadn't shared that with Richard, so... I did, today.
; )
Richard let me pick a Jar... from his dwindling stash... of his last year's canned goods.
: )
I... picked the above, Dill Pickles.
: )
They... are Lovely, but... not nearly as Pretty, as the Sweet Pickles.
: )
Told Richard.... 'I'll be eating these.... and I'll bring back the jar.'
{more 'Pickles'... next year??}
: )

It's gonna be a Lovely... Sale.

Stay tuned.

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

{Received some interesting correspondence from Fairfax's Mayor, with shadows of Fairfax's hired Engineer, {in my opinion...} today... concerning IDOT.
{The Iowa Department of Transportation}
I've been asking for the topographic survey of our property that was conducted by Fairfax's hired Engineer's Firm... on 9/14/23... that... I believe, should be Public Record, 
 last Fall.

Fairfax, doesn't want to 'share'. 
Fairfax says... 'IDOT'... in so many words... had advised them not to.
'IDOT'... says... as of a couple days ago...
'Not Us'. Fairfax can share those studies... as far as we're concerned.
{in so many words.}
{I have the emails}
: )
Waiting to hear back... from The Mayor.
She claims, that's not what IDOT told Fairfax.
: )
She's Diggin' Into It!!
; )

 want to see the topographic survey of the property that The City of Fairfax, Iowa... paid Hall and Hall Engineering to conduct on The City's behalf... concerning The West Cemetery Road Bridge Project.
; )

everything concerning Fairfax's West Cemetery Road Bridge Project... 
isn't 'Public Record'... 
makes me scratch my head. }
oh... dear.
: )

; )

Fairfax, and IDOT.... sure can make some 'Pickles'.
Yeah... Boy.
: (
Bless their hearts.
: (
{Kerosene Cucumbers... in my, humble... opinion. }

Richard, on the other hand... 
Sure Knows How To Grow a Garden!!!
 Can Some Beautiful Pickles!!
: )

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