Monday, June 10, 2024

Back in The Saddle... again.

It's a Gorgeous Mornin'... in Iowa.
: ) : ) : ) 

Have about a Million and a Half 'Miles' to cover...
; )
Unload The Ford...
Re-Load... The Ford.
Make deliveries...
Pick Up... a Big...Old... Concrete Urn.
with any luck...
wash the gray outta my hair, again...
{look like a red skunk... these days. ; ) }
Peg's Sarah... has decided to let her hair go natural...with the gray.
Her hair is Beautiful, just like her Mother's.
: )

Ran across the Strawberry 'memory', this morning.
: )
Gonna have to check, and see if there are any waiting to be picked...
They are Insane!!
: )
The volunteer Raspberries will be coming on, before long.... the Mulberries, too.

We've never used any lawn chemicals... it's always interesting to see what Mother Nature surprises us with, every year.
{She could keep the Poison Ivy. That Vine... is a Mess to deal with. oh my. 
The more I cut it back... the more it GROWS!!
 Guess there's a lesson... there, about 'The Pruning'... in our lives.
 ; )
'What doesn't Kill Ya....
Makes Ya STRONGER'!! }
: )

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

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