Monday, June 24, 2024

Sunday's Visit.

There's something about curvy... hilly... winding gravel roads...
'Country Roads'...
that are so incredibly grounding.
I, remember... when I was young, and first driving.... 
when 'Life'... would get to be a bit... too much, 
I'd jump in the Truck, or... an old car, and drive.
 Find my way to where The Horses were, then...
Ride, and... Ride.

Later, in life... when John and I, would get into a squabble, which.... wasn't often, 
; )
{can count those 'squabbles', on one hand. : ) }
rather than let my frustrations... roll off my tongue, 
in the HEAT of the Moment...
: )
I'd jump in whatever had 4 wheels...
and, Drive.
Find an old gravel road, and drive for hours.

Grateful... The Kids 'Live'... on a gravel road.
'Highway' livin'... ain't livin'...
 take it from one who knows, especially over the last several years.
{I'll write about Fairfax's 'Special' Council Meeting, tomorrow. ; ) }

Mr. Romeo... met me at The Kids' Gate, early... Sunday Mornin'!!
: )

Got June Bug... out of bed.
: )
Sunday is The Only Morning... they sleep in, a little.
Hated getting them up... but, didn't want to miss Meadow, and Willow, before they had to leave.

It was Quite a Sunday Morning!!
Above... is Meadow, trying to MOVE Romeo... from her Chicken's pen door, so she and Willow could feed, and water them... and gather eggs.
: )





We walked to The Garden... and checked out the Amazing Produce, Christy, Justin...and The Kids are growing.



Willow, and Gizzy.
They Both... are Growing So Fast.

we went Fishin', for a bit.

Fish weren't bitin'.
"Too Hot."... said... 
Miss. Meadow.
; )

Meadow, and Magnum.... found a Cool Spot, on the sofa...
after Fishin'.
: )

we spied June Bug... {Justin 'J' }
outside.. riding Romeo, so... back outside, we all went.
: )

June Bug.... grabbed his heavy duty Fishing Pole, when Bear saw That...
The Race Was On!!
'J'... ties one of Bears Favorite Squeaky Toys on the end of the line...
cast it out....
then, The Fight Is On'!!!
'Dog Fishin' Off The Deck!!
: )



Romeo... wasn't left out.
; )

Bear, watched...  as it was Romeo's turn, to be spoiled.
: )
{two years ago, or so... Mr. Romeo was pullin' a Manure Spreader, for the Amish. : ) 
I'd say... Romeo, is 'Livin' the Dream'... these days. : ) }


Willow, saying her Good Bye, to Romeo...
on Sunday.

then... to Magnum.

After the Girls left, I sat on the deck.... that Justin, Bobby, 'J'... Frank, Terry...and Christy... built, last year, and watched the Hummingbirds enjoy the sugar water.

Was thinking about Bobby, and... what a Wonderful Life he, and Everyone... has shared, together...
over the last year and a half, beside that gravel road.
: )

From the time Bobby fell ill, to the time he passed away, was little more than a month.
Somehow.... I'm glad, he didn't know... glad, somehow... none of us 'knew'.

Bobby... Easter 2023, with The Kids.
: )

Oh My Gosh...
: )
Christy sent me these images.
: )
Easter, 2024... was Equally as Fun!!
: )
They All Had Great Fun...
I Heard All About The 'almost'...
'Adventures' from June Bug.

Christy captured this image... of Meadow, and Bobby...
the last time Bobby was 'Home', just a few short weeks ago.

Life... is Truly about The Moments.
; )

Love to You.

Barb C.

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