Thursday, June 20, 2024

Fairfarren... Bobby.

It was just 37 days ago... while visiting with Pal, Donita....
{Whispering Pines Ornamental Concrete, Monticello, Iowa}
picking up a load, of concrete, for The Memorial Day Weekend Sale...
 and preparing for that Tuesday night's May, Fairfax, Iowa, City Council Meeting...
my phone rang.
It was Son, Justin.
{When Justin calls, it's usually pretty important.}
I...wasn't expecting to hear the question... Justin was about to ask, nor...
in any way, prepared... for it.

Justin said... "Mom, wasn't one of Dad's cancer Doctor's name..."
 {I won't repeat his name. I've always felt... that man stole 'Hope'...from John, the one, and only... time we visited his office. Without 'Hope'... there is nothing.}

Told Justin, yes... why?
He said, Bobby, a Dear, Long Time... Friend of our Family... 
had been sick over the prior weekend, he was suddenly, very 'bloated'.
 They took Bobby to the ER, where they drained two, two liter bottles of fluid from Bobby's abdomen.
{Bobby, had been very active... up until that weekend. This all came on, Quickly.}
The hospital ran tests, over the weekend, and found some spots on Bobby's pancreas, and liver.
The hospital recommended that Bobby see the above, Dr.

My heart sank.

Told Justin, who had me on speaker.... {Bobby lives at Justin's}
I believe... the Dr., is very good, but.... keep a Positive Attitude, no matter what.
No Matter What.
<3 <3 <3 

Loaded up The Ford... then, headed home.
Had to get to that meeting.
Had many questions prepared for the council, and the city's hired engineer.
As I sat in The Ford... in front of City Hall....
looking up at the big lighted sign, 
'Fairfax City Hall'...
where the meeting was already in progress, 
thought better, of attending it, that night.

Bobby, is one of the kindest, most selfless, Big Hearted... hardworking Men, I've ever known.
Polar opposite, in my opinion, {my experience} of most... of the people I'd have to be in the presence of, inside Fairfax,City Hall, that evening.

I was so heartsick... for Bobby, and for All who Love Him So...
 Couldn't trust what might spew from my mouth, at that meeting.
Shoved The Ford in gear, and went home.

Bobby met with the Dr., and... I believe... he did everything he could, for Bobby.

Bobby, passed away, last night.

Bobby came to live with Justin... and The Grandkids, about a year and a half ago.

They All Needed Each Other, So.... at that time.
Justin 'J', Willow, and Meadow...
Adored Bobby!!
: ) : ) : )
Bobby, Loved Those Kids, and Son, Justin.
<3 <3 <3 
{Neighbors... Christy, Frank... and Terry, Too. <3}

I remember Bobby telling me, on more than one occasion, 
 {Bobby always called me 'Mom' <3 : ) }
You know, I Love These Kids... like They are Mine."
: )
Told Bobby, he didn't have to 'tell' me, that.
; )
Those Kids... would 'Light Up', when they were around Bobby.

Bobby, and 'J'.... were Best Buds!!
They went hunting, fishing... mushroom hunting, together... they traveled those back roads, in the side by side, Often.
: )
The Girls would go with, as well.
I remember Bobby showing me a picture on his phone...
 of his Beautiful Fingernails... that Meadow, and Willow had Painted Up, for him.
<3 <3 <3 

Bobby Loved to Cook.
He and I... would Laugh at Holidays, when we shared The Kitchen, at Justin's.
: )
Bobby would say... 
"We're both Bohemies... and, Everyone Knows... 
Bohemies are The Best Cooks!! "
{Bobby's Mom, like mine... is Czech. ; ) }
Yes... Indeed!!
; )

The last month, and ... few days, have been so incredibly difficult for Bobby, and for Everyone, 
 Loved Him.
: (
I keep reminding Son, Justin... and 'J', what a WONDERFUL last Year and a Half, they've All Had.
: ) : ) : )
Living where they do... and being able to Enjoy... Most Every Moment, wow.
Just... wow.

I, So Loved... visiting them All.
Talk About Characters!!
The Neighbor's, are All... 'Family'!!
: )





Oh MY!!
<3 <3 <3 
Bobby, and Neighbor, Frank... Dancin' to 'Man of Constant Sorrow', last year.
: )
They Cracked Us All Up!!
MANY Times!!

Bobby, and Justin... Cookin' on The Deck.
; )


<3 <3 <3 

Bobby, was in his early 50's.
I can tell you, Bobby... Will Be Deeply Missed, by Everyone who Loved Him.
<3 <3 <3 


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