Sunday, June 9, 2024

The 'Work'... will wait. 'Time'... doesn't.

Watered plants, yesterday morning... filled the fountains, then, decided to go see Peg's Daughter, Sarah.
Sarah texted me Thursday evening, told me she was pulling a garage sale together, that would be opening
 Friday morning.
Sarah... was putting some of Peg's things on the sale... and wondered if I wanted anything.

My first... knee-jerk reaction, was to tell Sarah, to wait... on Peg's things, and to hold on to them, for the Grandkids... and Great Grandkids.
that was a mistake.
It made Sarah feel bad.
: (
Sarah is keeping all of Peg's original Art, but... Sarah, unlike Peg, and me... isn't a 
She's kept Peg's things boxed up for 8 years. So Much... has happened, over these 8 years...
oh my, I get it.
: (

At the end of our Thursday night conversation... told Sarah...
to sell Peg's things, or.... give them away.
Put them into hands that would appreciate them, as Peg did.

I... couldn't bring myself to go to the sale.
Knew... Sarah wouldn't let me 'buy'... anything.
She offered to give me all of Peg's things.
Can't do that.

Told some Friends about the Sale...  hoping they would support it, and Sarah.
: )
Peg's Michael... called, on Friday.
: )
We talked for a long, long time.
He's struggling, so.
{Yesterday... was Peg, and Michael's Anniversary.}
All I could do, was listen.
My heart... breaks, for Michael, and Sarah.

They are Sooooo Trying to find their feet.

After taking care... of the few things, I did... here, yesterday...
bailed in The Ford, went to visit Sarah.
: )
It was very quiet, at the sale, when me...and The Ford pulled up.
Sarah was reading a book, under a little pop up tent, by the garage.
I walked up the drive... yelled out, to Sarah...
"Good Afternoon, Missy!! ; ) Got any Old Junk For Sale... Here??!!"
: ) : ) : ) 
: )

Sarah looked up, said...
"uhhhh... Hi. : )"
{Sarah... didn't recognize me, at first. It's been a Long Time, between visits. Too long.}
We exchanged a LONG Embrace. 
<3 <3 <3 

 Wound up buying several of Peg's things.
{Fighting with Sarah... like, I Knew... I'd have to, about paying for it.}
: )
Sarah... had Peg, and Michael's patio set, there.
: )
I remember sitting at that table, with Peg, and Pal, Wanda... many years ago, on the deck, at  Peg's Beautiful Home, in Missouri, Peg, and Michael built, overlooking their Pond.
: )
It was Such a Glorious Morning.
it was going to be a Hot... day.
; )
Wanda said something, that morning... sitting at that table...
 concerning the Heat, oh my...
: )
I About Died Laughing!!
: ) : ) : )
{Think I might've Spit Coffee across That Table, after Wanda's 'Comment'!!}
Had... to buy that patio set.
Couldn't Believe It was STILL There!!!
Sarah had priced the entire set for 50.00.
That Should've Sold, First Thing Friday Morning!!!!
Told Sarah... 
"It's SOLD!!"
; )

Then... started collecting a few things, of Pegs, that I couldn't believe... were still there, on the last day, and afternoon, of the sale....
 made a little pile, on 'Thee' patio table.
; )
People started coming to the sale, and were shopping my 'collection', on the patio table.
{one Guy... even tried to buy the patio set!! : ) }
Sarah, tried to stop them, saying 'those items are sold'... but, I told her to let others buy them.
: )
Sarah... wouldn't hear of it.
: )

I remember Peg telling me... often, as she'd be looking at something cool, down The Rabbit Hole, how she just couldn't understand... 'Why'... that Cool Piece, hadn't sold... yet.
Told Peg, "It's waiting... for the right hands to find it."
: )

I've seen it happen, over, and over... and over.
That's how... 'old souls'... work.
; )

Sarah and I... had a Lovely Visit.
oh my.

Inside Edith Lucielle's.

Shanae makes a Mean...
'Iced Tea'
; )

'The Rules'
: )

Jumbo Wings...
Smoked On-Site!!.
: )

<3 <3 
: )

; )

; )

: )
taped her name on her book, when she was very little...
showed Peg's 'signature', to Sarah... 
Sarah picked up the book, thanked me for pointing that out to her...
held the book, close... to her heart, then...
handed it back to me.
"Barb... you keep it. I know you'll treasure it, and... it would just sit in this box... here, with me."

You have no idea... how I gently tried to persuade Sarah, to hold on to some of Peg's things.
Sarah... is going through so much, and has been, since Peg... went away.
She, and Michael... are struggling so.
Feel like I've let them down, not being there for them, over the last many years.
{Fairfax, and IDOT... : (}

I'll Treasure the things from Sarah's sale... like I Treasure, all of the things, Peg... gave me over the decades.
Some of Peg's things, will go back to The Rabbit Hole.
They'll 'find'... the hands, they are supposed to, there.
Many.... came from there.
Peg... would NEVER accept money from me, for helping So Much.
I sent much Home with her... over the years.

I, remember... when Peg, and I.... would take a break, from working our tails off, trying to get ready for an event, oh my Lord....
I'd look at Peg, we'd be Beyond Exhausted, and....
I'd ask her....
"Why??? Why... Do You Keep Coming Back, to This Insanity???"
she'd tear up, and... say....
"Barb... you don't understand. 'This'... All of 'This'.... feeds my Soul. I... Love It, Here. It does More for Me, than you'll ever know."
{Then... I'd Roll my Eyes, and Cry!! Hahahahahaha!!! }
Pure...and Simple.
: )

By the time I left Sarah's....
well, I needed to eat something.
Wasn't hungry, my heart was so heavy, as was Sarah's, even tho, we had a Lovely Visit.
We... were One Person Short, during our visit.
Always will be.

Sarah lives just down the road, from one of my old Stomping Grounds, and... now, favorite restaurant,
Edith Lucielle's.
: )
Don't get there very often... think the last time I was there, was with Dear Pal, Gail.

As I walked in, heard a voice.... say, 
"Oh My Gosh!! You're Back!! It's Been Way Too Long!! I've Missed You!!"
I, kept walking... didn't think 'that' comment could possibly be directed at me.
turned around.
: )

It was Shanae, one of my Favorite Servers, at Edith Lucielle's, whom... I hadn't seen in a Long Time.
{Shanae, is the Sweet Gal, wearing glasses, above. <3 Didn't get the other Sweet Server's name. 
: ( 
Shanae was training her. Lucky Girl!! ; ) 
She's being 'Trained' by The Best!! ; ) }

Shanae is a 'Stay at Home... Mom'... she works at EL's, 'Serving'...
part time...  like I did, when our Kid's were little.
She's a GEM!!
Was Great to See Her!!
; )

Ordered The Jumbo Wings, that are INSANE... but, noticed EL's 'Saturday Special'...
at 5, would be The Beef Brisket, that they smoke on- site.
Oh my.
; )
It was about 4, when I was ready to head for Home.
Asked Shanae, how 'close' that Brisket was to being done.
: )
The Chef... made an exception... and fixed me up a 'Plate'.
: ) : ) : )
I... Couldn't Begin... to eat it, or 'touch' it,  but...
over the years, when I'd be on the road.... I'd bring a 'Treat' Home, that I Knew....
 who was waiting there, for me... would Sure Enjoy.
: )
Miss That.

After taking a picture... of The Gals, and The Beautiful Brisket Plate, The Chef prepared, so kindly.... put it all in a To-Go... box.
: )

Me, and Miss. Peanut, will pick at it, over the next few days.
; )

Should've worked today.
Should've worked...
; )
I believe, the 'Work'... will still be 'waiting', tomorrow.
; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

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