Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Loose Wire

; )

Yesterday morning... was Up, Bright and Early.
: )
It was gonna be a Hot Day... but, Had to Mow!!
Everything is Growing Out of Control!!
; )

Had to get fuel... for the mowers.
June Bug... was NOT Excited... when I told him of my intentions.
{I hire him to help 'trim'.}
: )
He said... "It's Gonna Be 250 Degrees Today!! Are You Kidding Me??"

Told 'J'... he didn't have to help... but, I had to get Scout's Pasture knocked down... and needed to at least get the riding part done.
; )
Asked 'J' if he could pull the Rider around, while I was getting fuel.
That... he was Happy to do.
; )

When I returned with fuel, 'J' wasn't by the Shop... with The Rider.
It wouldn't start.
We messed with that Rider... for over an hour. acted like it wasn't getting fuel.
Justin primed the carb with gas... as I turned it over...
Again... and Again... and, Again.
It would run for a second, then... die.
Then... we pulled the spark plugs.
'J' grabbed a steel brush, gave the plugs a good cleaning.
No Dice.
: (
by then... 
we both thought it might just be 'Flooded'.
: (
I, finally said... to 'J'....
"Go get your Dad."
{Son, Justin <3 }
Like with John.... I don't like to take Justin away from 'work'.
We Were Out of Options.
: ( : ( : (
We Needed to Call In The Big Dawg.
; )

Son, Justin... came walking out of the Shop...
Hits the Mower's 'Start' Button....
and That Son of a 'Gun'.... { : ) }
Started Right Up!!!
; )
{Ya can't make this sh!t up.}
; )
'J'... looked at me, and... I, looked at him.

Son, Justin... is The 'Engine' Whisperer...
For Sure.
{We won't go back to the Ford 'Truckasaurus' incident... in January. : ) 
a few weeks ago, when I locked The Ford in 4WD, to get out of Scout's Pasture, and... it wouldn't release from LOW4WD. 
: (
I hadn't even set it in 'Low', but... that's where It Stuck.
: )
I Tried Everything... to get it to release.
Drove The Ford.... Forward, and Backward.... Again, and Again... to get the 4WD to release.
'J' was with, watched Grandma... melt down. ; )
{Can't have The Ford... Go Down. Lord... Lord!!}
asked 'J'... to,
 go get his Dad.
: (
Son, Justin... came walkin' out of the Shop....
bailed in The Ford, slipped him in reverse...
Guess What.
; )
The Ford's 4WD was 'disengaged'.}
; )

Yes... I was Thrilled, when the Mower started for Justin.
Took off, mowing, and everything was going Great, 
: )
I got in front of The Rabbit Hole.
The Mower died.
Acted like it had run out of fuel.
: (
Called Grandson 'J', at the Shop...
: )
we Troubleshooted Everything, we thought... could possibly be The Problem.
again, I finally... said, 
lets get your Dad.
: )

'J', and I... walked inside the Shop...
Justin said...
"What now?"
: )
Shared our sorry story with him...
Justin walked up to the crippled Mower, hit the Start switch...
: )
You Guessed It.
; )
It Fired Right Up!!
: )

Told 'The Boys'... "Mama is Done... 'Mowing' on this Hot Day, somehow... believe 'Mowing' isn't in The Stars, for me, today.'
: )

Son, Justin... took the Mower, to the Shop. : )
It... died on Justin, as he was parking it inside. 
{somehow... that made me feel a little better. : ) }

Justin, and 'J' worked on it... for several hours, in the heat.
: (
Justin thought the troubles may be from it's 'Computer'.
: (
at The Crack of Dawn... this morning, heard the Mower, outside the door.
Justin... discovered...
all of the problems were from a 'loose wire'.
: )


Was going to write about the 'Special' Fairfax, Iowa... City Council Meeting, today...
: )
Hopefully... it will be on 'City of Fairfax,IowaYouTube'
: )
I, Hope... Folks watch it.
It was quite entertaining to witness...
First Hand.
; )

Love to You.

Barb C.

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