Monday, June 17, 2024

Early Start.

It's gonna be Toasty...
in Iowa, over the next few days.
I've learned over the years, when the weather gets Cookin'...
 to start the day Early, and end it... Early.
: )

Went to The Rabbit Hole, bright and early... this mornin'.
; )
Gave Everything a Big Drink...

Filled the Fish Trough Up... with Cool Water, for The Fish, along with their Breakfast.

Went there Saturday, and noticed, sadly... after missing two days of watering, some of the Flowers were Not Happy.
: (
Gratefully... they've come back.
Met with a Sweet Gal, yesterday...
She, and her Husband are building a Fabulous Playhouse, for their little Girl, and was needing some Fun Things... 
'Magical' Things... to finish it up.
: )
We had a Lovely Visit.
: )
She Marveled at The Wild Grapes... and Gnarly Vines.
They.... are Quite Insane.
oh my.
; )
They are like a Wonderful Cloak... enveloping The Rabbit Hole.
Block Out... The Ugliness surrounding us, now.

The Fountains get Mighty Thirsty.... on these Hot, almost...
'Summer'... days.

Did a little trimming yesterday, will do much more, in the morning.
Very... Early.
; )

Had to laugh when I saw what John's Cuz... posted, the other day on FB.
: )

He's just went through a divorce.
{Thought Sure... This Time, he'd found the Right Gal.}
: (
oh dear.
Funny... but, Not... Funny!!
: )
: (
Then... I found the above Paul Lynde meme/video, and shared it, on FB.
{I'll post it above this post. }
The Cuz... got quite a kick out of it. 
; )

Loved Paul Lynde!! : )
He always reminded me of Brother, Sonny.
: ) : ) : )
So Quick!! So Damned FUNNY!!
: ) : ) : )
{Sonny got 'That'... from 'His' Dad. ; )}

 Stayin' Inside... the rest of the day.
Plenty to Do... inside.
Won't turn the air on, it stays cool enough, if I keep the house closed up.
Don't want to get spoiled by the 'Air'.
I'd never be able to work outside in the heat... if I did.

Stay Cool!!
; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

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