Sunday, June 30, 2024

Evening Stroll.

Took a stroll... down The Rabbit Hole, this afternoon.
That's about all I got accomplished.

Wrote a long post last night... then, deleted most of it... this morning.
It was concerning the upcoming election.
Broke the 'No Politics'... Rule, for the blog.
: (

Half of my Family... and Dear Friends, lean to the left, or right.
Some... of them lean pretty hard, and extreme.
I try to remain neutral.
Respect others opinions.
After all, everyone on this planet, by now... has seen everything I have.
I'll cast my vote... for whom, and what... I believe in, when the time comes.
So will everyone else.

There's no need to argue... fuss, and fight.
I'm not going to change any minds, as others... won't change mine.

So wish there weren't 'Parties'.
in my opinion...
we're all Americans.... and should vote for those who we believe would be best for us all.
'United We Stand... Divided we fall'.
at least... 
that's the way I see it, and have always voted.
I... rarely vote a straight ticket.
I... vote for the people who have the same values as I do, not Red, or Blue.

Enough... said.
 ; )

Everything is Growing So Fast.
oh my.
: )

While taking the stroll... this afternoon, a Robin... followed me everywhere.
: )
He was very Curious... kept a very close eye on me.
: )
{somebody... has to. : ) }

Got to get busy on The Rabbit Hole. 
Will be Open, over The 4th. and... the Weekend, after.
: )

Love to Ya.

Barb C.

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