Sunday, June 30, 2024

Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes - If You Don't Know Me By Now (Official S...

Evening Stroll.

Took a stroll... down The Rabbit Hole, this afternoon.
That's about all I got accomplished.

Wrote a long post last night... then, deleted most of it... this morning.
It was concerning the upcoming election.
Broke the 'No Politics'... Rule, for the blog.
: (

Half of my Family... and Dear Friends, lean to the left, or right.
Some... of them lean pretty hard, and extreme.
I try to remain neutral.
Respect others opinions.
After all, everyone on this planet, by now... has seen everything I have.
I'll cast my vote... for whom, and what... I believe in, when the time comes.
So will everyone else.

There's no need to argue... fuss, and fight.
I'm not going to change any minds, as others... won't change mine.

So wish there weren't 'Parties'.
in my opinion...
we're all Americans.... and should vote for those who we believe would be best for us all.
'United We Stand... Divided we fall'.
at least... 
that's the way I see it, and have always voted.
I... rarely vote a straight ticket.
I... vote for the people who have the same values as I do, not Red, or Blue.

Enough... said.
 ; )

Everything is Growing So Fast.
oh my.
: )

While taking the stroll... this afternoon, a Robin... followed me everywhere.
: )
He was very Curious... kept a very close eye on me.
: )
{somebody... has to. : ) }

Got to get busy on The Rabbit Hole. 
Will be Open, over The 4th. and... the Weekend, after.
: )

Love to Ya.

Barb C.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Santana - While My Guitar Gently Weeps (Official Video)

One... of 'Those' Days.


Ever have 'One of 'Those' Days'???
It's a Beautiful Day... outside, but....
 felt like The Bunny... under Glass.
; )
I'm havin' one of 'Those' days, today.

I'd like to feel a little guilty... about it, but...
somehow, I really don't.
; )
{maybe... just a little.}

Speaking for myself, I...sometimes 'need' just a little 'down time'.
: )
Lock 'the world'... 
Crazy World....


{There's so very much I'd like to share... but, can't... just yet. : ( }

Sometimes.... like, today, gaze at the old, old... Martin House, and wonder what it would be like...
to stumble across an Old... Farmhouse, like it, and walk through it.
: )
Furnish... and decorate every room, that had been long ago 'abandoned'.
{my kinda 'Doll House'. ; ) }

Bought the old Martin House... decades ago.
Have always kept it, because... the very first time I laid eyes on it, that was my First Thought.
: )
Today, like way back then... I can See The Rooms in That Old Martin House fitted with Beautiful Crystal Chandeliers... 
Old, worn... Velvet Victorian Sofas, and Chairs.
 French Cabinets... 
Old, Painted... Farm Cupboards, 
a Massive Harvest Table... that would seat at least a Dozen People... in Old, Primitive... Gnarly Chairs.
: )
I... could go on, and on.
: )
That's why... I've always kept it.
: )
It makes me Dream.
: )
'escape' every now and then.

' Priceless'.

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

{Better Days are Coming. <3 : ) }

Friday, June 28, 2024

Andy Griffith Show 2-11 - The Pickle Story-Aunt Bee brings pickles for l...


Was a Crazy...  Busy...
kinda... Fun, day.
: )
Had to get the Tags... for 'The Fleet' today.
The Linn County Treasurer's  office was packed.
: )
Last day of the month.
; )
Ran into a couple of Friends, there... we had a long visit, waiting... for our numbers to be called.
: )
The Clerk, who got all of my Tags together... was a Gem.
: )
I... wouldn't want her job.
: )
: )
There was a Deputy Sheriff.... at the door, who... said... as I was walking out...
"Have a nice day... Ma'am."
: )
Told him... I sure hoped he'd do the same, and...Thanked him, for His Service, taking Care of Us All,
 in such difficult times.
'These Days'.

The Deputy said... he was working The Linn County Fair, in Central City, Iowa...
: )
that he was looking forward to it.
: )

Told him, I hoped... it wouldn't get rained out.
It's been kind of a soggy day.
; )
That... Linn County Fair, is a Good One.
: )
Not too Big, not... too small.
: )
Just... Fun.
; )

picked up some much needed groceries, then hurried to meet with Pal, Bill.
We had to meet with the Folks... we'd met with...last week, concerning a
'Living Estate Sale', in Shellsburg, Iowa.
{One... of my old 'stomping grounds' as a child. : )}

Richard, the owner... had given me a Beautiful Jar of Sweet Pickles, he'd canned... last year, from his Garden, last week.
Told his Daughter in Law, Jesse, the other day... that Richard is gonna have to give me another Jar of Pickles...
 because... the Jar of Pickles he gave me last week...
are simply... Too Beautiful to Open.
: )

Jesse hadn't shared that with Richard, so... I did, today.
; )
Richard let me pick a Jar... from his dwindling stash... of his last year's canned goods.
: )
I... picked the above, Dill Pickles.
: )
They... are Lovely, but... not nearly as Pretty, as the Sweet Pickles.
: )
Told Richard.... 'I'll be eating these.... and I'll bring back the jar.'
{more 'Pickles'... next year??}
: )

It's gonna be a Lovely... Sale.

Stay tuned.

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

{Received some interesting correspondence from Fairfax's Mayor, with shadows of Fairfax's hired Engineer, {in my opinion...} today... concerning IDOT.
{The Iowa Department of Transportation}
I've been asking for the topographic survey of our property that was conducted by Fairfax's hired Engineer's Firm... on 9/14/23... that... I believe, should be Public Record, 
 last Fall.

Fairfax, doesn't want to 'share'. 
Fairfax says... 'IDOT'... in so many words... had advised them not to.
'IDOT'... says... as of a couple days ago...
'Not Us'. Fairfax can share those studies... as far as we're concerned.
{in so many words.}
{I have the emails}
: )
Waiting to hear back... from The Mayor.
She claims, that's not what IDOT told Fairfax.
: )
She's Diggin' Into It!!
; )

 want to see the topographic survey of the property that The City of Fairfax, Iowa... paid Hall and Hall Engineering to conduct on The City's behalf... concerning The West Cemetery Road Bridge Project.
; )

everything concerning Fairfax's West Cemetery Road Bridge Project... 
isn't 'Public Record'... 
makes me scratch my head. }
oh... dear.
: )

; )

Fairfax, and IDOT.... sure can make some 'Pickles'.
Yeah... Boy.
: (
Bless their hearts.
: (
{Kerosene Cucumbers... in my, humble... opinion. }

Richard, on the other hand... 
Sure Knows How To Grow a Garden!!!
 Can Some Beautiful Pickles!!
: )

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Gail Davies : It's a lovely lovely world (since i met you)

Beautiful Day... in Iowa.

It's a Beautiful Day... in Iowa!!
; )

Got All of The Mowing Done.
'J'... did the trimmin'... and I did the Ridin'.
: )
Love That Mower!!
He Doesn't Love Me!!
: (....
: )

The Boys left... as I was mowing.
No more... than got the Lawn Manicured.... 
and The Mower Quit.
: ) : ) : )
Probably that same 'wire'. 
Didn't watch Justin fix it, so... have No Idea, Which...
of Many, Many.... 'Wires', could be the problem.
could be something I'm doing...or Not doing.
I'm Old School.
; )
'Simple... Simple... Simple'.
Like It That Way!!!
; )
The Mowing is DONE!!
for this week.
; )

The Boy's will have to take a look at The Mower, or... Son, Justin... could simply walk up to it... hit the switch, and It Would Start Right Up...
For Him!!!
: )

Received some long awaited 'news' today... concerning Fairfax, and IDOT...
{Iowa Department of Transportation}
oh my.
; )
ran across the above, Winston Churchill quote.
: )

After dealing with Both of the Above, for So Incredibly Long, all I can say, is...
"Truer Words were Never Written."
; )

At Fairfax's 'Special' City Council Meeting, on June 24, I'd intended on asking some questions.
after listening to them all.... 'Watching' them... at that meeting, decided to...
 'Remain Silent'.
: )
'Questions' will be asked... at a later time.

The City's Clerk, still hasn't posted that meeting, on YouTube.
I'll... share it, when she does.
{if she doesn't....  {another 'camera mishap'... } 
I'll share what I have.
: )

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Draggin the Line - Tommy James

Loose Wire

; )

Yesterday morning... was Up, Bright and Early.
: )
It was gonna be a Hot Day... but, Had to Mow!!
Everything is Growing Out of Control!!
; )

Had to get fuel... for the mowers.
June Bug... was NOT Excited... when I told him of my intentions.
{I hire him to help 'trim'.}
: )
He said... "It's Gonna Be 250 Degrees Today!! Are You Kidding Me??"

Told 'J'... he didn't have to help... but, I had to get Scout's Pasture knocked down... and needed to at least get the riding part done.
; )
Asked 'J' if he could pull the Rider around, while I was getting fuel.
That... he was Happy to do.
; )

When I returned with fuel, 'J' wasn't by the Shop... with The Rider.
It wouldn't start.
We messed with that Rider... for over an hour. acted like it wasn't getting fuel.
Justin primed the carb with gas... as I turned it over...
Again... and Again... and, Again.
It would run for a second, then... die.
Then... we pulled the spark plugs.
'J' grabbed a steel brush, gave the plugs a good cleaning.
No Dice.
: (
by then... 
we both thought it might just be 'Flooded'.
: (
I, finally said... to 'J'....
"Go get your Dad."
{Son, Justin <3 }
Like with John.... I don't like to take Justin away from 'work'.
We Were Out of Options.
: ( : ( : (
We Needed to Call In The Big Dawg.
; )

Son, Justin... came walking out of the Shop...
Hits the Mower's 'Start' Button....
and That Son of a 'Gun'.... { : ) }
Started Right Up!!!
; )
{Ya can't make this sh!t up.}
; )
'J'... looked at me, and... I, looked at him.

Son, Justin... is The 'Engine' Whisperer...
For Sure.
{We won't go back to the Ford 'Truckasaurus' incident... in January. : ) 
a few weeks ago, when I locked The Ford in 4WD, to get out of Scout's Pasture, and... it wouldn't release from LOW4WD. 
: (
I hadn't even set it in 'Low', but... that's where It Stuck.
: )
I Tried Everything... to get it to release.
Drove The Ford.... Forward, and Backward.... Again, and Again... to get the 4WD to release.
'J' was with, watched Grandma... melt down. ; )
{Can't have The Ford... Go Down. Lord... Lord!!}
asked 'J'... to,
 go get his Dad.
: (
Son, Justin... came walkin' out of the Shop....
bailed in The Ford, slipped him in reverse...
Guess What.
; )
The Ford's 4WD was 'disengaged'.}
; )

Yes... I was Thrilled, when the Mower started for Justin.
Took off, mowing, and everything was going Great, 
: )
I got in front of The Rabbit Hole.
The Mower died.
Acted like it had run out of fuel.
: (
Called Grandson 'J', at the Shop...
: )
we Troubleshooted Everything, we thought... could possibly be The Problem.
again, I finally... said, 
lets get your Dad.
: )

'J', and I... walked inside the Shop...
Justin said...
"What now?"
: )
Shared our sorry story with him...
Justin walked up to the crippled Mower, hit the Start switch...
: )
You Guessed It.
; )
It Fired Right Up!!
: )

Told 'The Boys'... "Mama is Done... 'Mowing' on this Hot Day, somehow... believe 'Mowing' isn't in The Stars, for me, today.'
: )

Son, Justin... took the Mower, to the Shop. : )
It... died on Justin, as he was parking it inside. 
{somehow... that made me feel a little better. : ) }

Justin, and 'J' worked on it... for several hours, in the heat.
: (
Justin thought the troubles may be from it's 'Computer'.
: (
at The Crack of Dawn... this morning, heard the Mower, outside the door.
Justin... discovered...
all of the problems were from a 'loose wire'.
: )


Was going to write about the 'Special' Fairfax, Iowa... City Council Meeting, today...
: )
Hopefully... it will be on 'City of Fairfax,IowaYouTube'
: )
I, Hope... Folks watch it.
It was quite entertaining to witness...
First Hand.
; )

Love to You.

Barb C.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Monday, June 24, 2024

Sunday's Visit.

There's something about curvy... hilly... winding gravel roads...
'Country Roads'...
that are so incredibly grounding.
I, remember... when I was young, and first driving.... 
when 'Life'... would get to be a bit... too much, 
I'd jump in the Truck, or... an old car, and drive.
 Find my way to where The Horses were, then...
Ride, and... Ride.

Later, in life... when John and I, would get into a squabble, which.... wasn't often, 
; )
{can count those 'squabbles', on one hand. : ) }
rather than let my frustrations... roll off my tongue, 
in the HEAT of the Moment...
: )
I'd jump in whatever had 4 wheels...
and, Drive.
Find an old gravel road, and drive for hours.

Grateful... The Kids 'Live'... on a gravel road.
'Highway' livin'... ain't livin'...
 take it from one who knows, especially over the last several years.
{I'll write about Fairfax's 'Special' Council Meeting, tomorrow. ; ) }

Mr. Romeo... met me at The Kids' Gate, early... Sunday Mornin'!!
: )

Got June Bug... out of bed.
: )
Sunday is The Only Morning... they sleep in, a little.
Hated getting them up... but, didn't want to miss Meadow, and Willow, before they had to leave.

It was Quite a Sunday Morning!!
Above... is Meadow, trying to MOVE Romeo... from her Chicken's pen door, so she and Willow could feed, and water them... and gather eggs.
: )





We walked to The Garden... and checked out the Amazing Produce, Christy, Justin...and The Kids are growing.



Willow, and Gizzy.
They Both... are Growing So Fast.

we went Fishin', for a bit.

Fish weren't bitin'.
"Too Hot."... said... 
Miss. Meadow.
; )

Meadow, and Magnum.... found a Cool Spot, on the sofa...
after Fishin'.
: )

we spied June Bug... {Justin 'J' }
outside.. riding Romeo, so... back outside, we all went.
: )

June Bug.... grabbed his heavy duty Fishing Pole, when Bear saw That...
The Race Was On!!
'J'... ties one of Bears Favorite Squeaky Toys on the end of the line...
cast it out....
then, The Fight Is On'!!!
'Dog Fishin' Off The Deck!!
: )



Romeo... wasn't left out.
; )

Bear, watched...  as it was Romeo's turn, to be spoiled.
: )
{two years ago, or so... Mr. Romeo was pullin' a Manure Spreader, for the Amish. : ) 
I'd say... Romeo, is 'Livin' the Dream'... these days. : ) }


Willow, saying her Good Bye, to Romeo...
on Sunday.

then... to Magnum.

After the Girls left, I sat on the deck.... that Justin, Bobby, 'J'... Frank, Terry...and Christy... built, last year, and watched the Hummingbirds enjoy the sugar water.

Was thinking about Bobby, and... what a Wonderful Life he, and Everyone... has shared, together...
over the last year and a half, beside that gravel road.
: )

From the time Bobby fell ill, to the time he passed away, was little more than a month.
Somehow.... I'm glad, he didn't know... glad, somehow... none of us 'knew'.

Bobby... Easter 2023, with The Kids.
: )

Oh My Gosh...
: )
Christy sent me these images.
: )
Easter, 2024... was Equally as Fun!!
: )
They All Had Great Fun...
I Heard All About The 'almost'...
'Adventures' from June Bug.

Christy captured this image... of Meadow, and Bobby...
the last time Bobby was 'Home', just a few short weeks ago.

Life... is Truly about The Moments.
; )

Love to You.

Barb C.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Gordon Lightfoot " If You Could Read My Mind" - Lyrics

A 'Snippet'... of The Rabbit Hole, yesterday.

Ya... almost, can't 'see' the 'wrongfulness'.

The Wild Grape... is working Hard to Cloak...
The Rabbit Hole from 'Fairfax'... IDOT, and 151.
{Bless their hearts.}

This Guy...
has been The Rabbit Hole's 'Mascot' for Decades.

Can't look at an old... key, without thinking of a beautiful story I read long ago...
The story... was reminding the reader to never give up....
for, it may be the Last Key... on the ring, that...
Opens The Door.
: )




Farmer Friends, Lynn and Lea, gave me the above... 
old, Toy Panel Truck, a while back.
: )
Kinda looks like The '49 Ford.
It's a Rabbit Hole 'Mascot', too.

Mid 1800's hand punched tin, Pie Safe door.

Found the above... Southern Iowa... Crazy Quilt, decades ago, at the What Cheer Flea Market.
; )
It...wasn't for sale, it was laying in the back of a Stock Trailer... being used for a 'packing blanket'.
oh... dear.
I, uh... asked the Vendor, if he'd be willing to sell it.
For the right price, he said he would.
: )
I... asked him, what 'that' might be.
: )
I'm thinkin' he said... 10.00. Might have been 20.
: )
What's even Better, Our Peg... got so sick of Folks asking for a price for the 'Not for Sale'...
 Old...Crazy Quilt, 'She'... made the tag, and pinned it on the Old... 'Survivor'. 
; )
'Priceless'.... for Sure.

This... Old Pie Safe, side panel... came from Friend, Susan Shire, long, long... ago.
: )
It covers The Rabbit Hole's back door's window.



: )


The Milkweed around The Rabbit Hole... is Growing Tall, and Proud.
Think of  Sweet Audrey, and John... when I see it, and... Smell its Amazing Scent.
John... was the first person to tell me to take a Whiff of the Beautiful... Flowers.
I've always admired Milkweed, but... never smelled their flowers.
: )
They smell like Honeysuckle!!
No Wonder The Butterflies Love Milkweed... So!!
: )

Until my 'Boyfriend', Mr. DeWalt... {weed trimmer} returns, it's gonna look a little shaggy, on the ground,
 around The Rabbit Hole.
: )
{No ; ) }

; )


So Much Wild Grape... this year.
The Birds will eat Well... 
this Winter.

Was up... very early this morning.
Wanted to grab some Breakfast Grub...
 for Son, Justin, Christy... and The Grandkids. 
Visit... with them all, for a bit, before the Girls had to go back to their other home.

Got 'em All... outta bed, this mornin'... around 8.
: ) : ) : )
; )
Wanted to visit with Miss. Meadow, and Miss. Willow, a little, about Bobby.
: )
Bobby, the Kids... and Grandkids, were So Very Close.
; )

Our visit... went Very Well.
: )
Images... tomorrow.
: )

Love... to You.

Barb C.