Monday, February 5, 2024


Crazy Day.
; )
It's barely half over...
but, I'm exhausted.

Made a phone call... this morning, that was extremely difficult, but had to be done.
Wound up, in a Pool of Tears.
{Hate It... when 'That' happens.}
: (

Needed help, 'advise'... from a Young Man, who is 'a Mover and a Shaker', in his Field.
I've worked with him a few times, over the last couple of years, and was very Impressed at how he does his Job.
He has Incredible Passion for his work.
{He reminds me of Lawyer Meardon, in that respect.}

that meant, explaining, to him, in a 'nutshell'...
what's been going on here, over the last 7 years.
: (.......

Telling this unbelievable story, from the beginning, to where we are now...
chokes me up.
: (
My Friend, had no idea.
He was Stunned, by it all, to say the least.
Told me... he'd do his Best, to figure out what I asked of him.
That... I'm Confident, He Will.
: )

Then... a little bit, after we spoke, he sent me a text.
It read...

"I got you on this."

I... uh, melted into a pool...

I gotta tell ya...
 'Crazy Train'...
has nearly driven me to madness.
{a few well. : ( }
There's Been So Many Great People,
 over this
 that have helped me find my feet, along the way,
 and So Much More.
So Grateful.

May God Bless Them All.

I have No Idea... how I'll Ever be able, to Repay Them.
There's not enough money... on the planet.

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

Our Peg, had this made for me, while she was Fighting The Battle of her Life. 
Peg did that, because that's what I Always Encouraged her, to do. 
It's what We All... Must Do,
in my opinion. 
Sometimes, it's much easier said, than done. 
but, We Have to Give It... Our Best Shot. 
; )
<3 <3 <3 
Peg, often referred to me, as 'The sister, she never had.'

I'll tell ya Flat Out, Peg, and my Sister, Chery... Would've been Two Peas in a Pod. 
God Help Us All... had they Known each other. 
Oh Dear!!! 
Blessings, So Many Blessings. 
cancer, and IDOT, have much in common, in my opinion... after dealing with them both, so closely, over the years.

Lawyer Meardon... probably would advise me, to 
Stop writing.... at This Point.

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