Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Imagine....If, you will.

Imagine....if, you will...
Those Orange Cones...were people.

That, what these vehicle's are traveling on...is...Fairfax's Suicide Trail, the IDOT Breached our Recorded Agreement, to Build...for Them.

When this project is completed....Southbound Traffic, will be right next to people, 
where the pick up is, in the below...image.

{click on the images, to enlarge. }

That Close.

This...is looking out our Picture Window...in our Dining Room, this afternoon.

The above image......was the Ditch 'Before'.

Those Massive Columns, were around 20 feet long.
That DITCH...Is GONE. 
Along with All of Our Drain Tiles. {And Many Trees}
The former Highway... 151, and Bridge, was just to the right of this image.

The Big Evergreen, to the right of the Columns...is our Pet Cemetery Tree.
It was Taken, wrongfully, {along with several others} according to their Own Engineer, in Writing, but...they graciously...left It standing.
It Belongs...to Them, Now....

Below...see it Now, and....No Ditch. 
'We'...Are...'The Ditch'. 

Our House...is to the left, in the below image.
This above picture was taken a few weeks ago.
Those poor...poor, Cone's, were 'alive'..then.
They've been 'dead'...for some time...now. 

Twilight Zone...my Friends.

If it wasn't for my Lawyer, they would've taken our land, up to 12 feet from our Home, and Every Single Tree Would Be Gone.

All....for a Suicide Trail, that wasn't supposed to be.

As sure as I am...and, have been right, repeatedly....concerning All...of This....
One day, those won't be 'Cones'.
Many days.
I've told them all...It's reckless endangerment, plain...and simple.

I'd Give ANYTHING....To Be Wrong...on Every Bit Of This.
YOU All...Refused to conduct an Independent  'Safety Study', concerning a Trail...next to one of the Most Dangerous Stretches of 151, in Linn County...
Even...If I Paid For It.
{ Fairfax City Council Meeting
I wasn't the Only one, there. }
The Mayor, went on to say....he wouldn't consider even 'Looking At It.'
Bless Their Heart's.

Fairfax, and IDOT District 6, This....
Every Bit of It....
is On You.

I've tried for nearly 5 years to educate all of you.
I've Prayed...you'd find some snippet of 'Common Sense'.
Never happened.
Deaf Ears. 

Twilight Zone.


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