Sunday, February 21, 2021

7 Minutes.


<3 <3 <3 
I've been thinking about Mom, so
Her '101'...Birthday, in Heaven. 
I miss her, but...don't miss...watching her endure....such a difficult time, with her health, the last three decades of her life.

Mom had a meningioma brain tumor, she was diagnosed with it, when she began having grand mal seizers, about the time she turned 60.
Many times, I'd go to the ground...with her, during those horrific seizers, and put my hand under her head, to keep her head from pounding on the ground...during those horrible, violent... convulsions.
Dad, would lose his mind...when he watched her have them.
They scared death.
He...was so afraid, of losing her.

The Doctors thought..she'd probably had the tumor, since she was in her 20's. 
It was very slow growing, operable...but, risky.
Removing it, wouldn't have stopped the seizers, so...we all agreed to leave it be.

In her 80's...she lost her sight.
Then...soon, after...she wasn't able to walk, and was wheelchair bound.
I took care of Mom...most of my adult life.
She was in a nursing home...the last many years of her life, but....I always looked out for her.

Used to so enjoy...visiting with her.
Loved...doing her hair...and make up.
Mom...was a 'Lady'...through, and through.
Something...I didn't inherit.
; )
Pal, Donna...said, this morning, that Mom would be proud of me.
I, don't know about that.
My language...has gotten pretty nasty, over the last few years....
she wouldn't have liked that, at all.
Mom knew, I'd fight to Hell...and Back, for her.
Whatever she needed, she knew....she could consider it Done.
<3 <3 <3 

Ya didn't want to get between, me...and Mom. 
I was very protective...of her.
<3 <3 <3 
Didn't matter who it was, Family....Dr.'s...Nurses...oh dear.
Still sleep with my phone...
Mom, could call me, day...or night, and I'd be 7 minutes.
7 Minutes.
I remember...being at a Minnesota, when Mom wasn't feeling well.
Told everyone there, I might have to leave...{everything}, should Mom get worse.
That didn't happen, but...there was nothing...I wouldn't have done for her.

She used to worry about me working too hard.
Many times, asked me to come and get she could help me, load the Trucks.
: )
Told her, to be careful...what she was offering!
I, might surprise day, and pick her up...and put her to Work!!!
: )
She, sure would've, if she could have.
<3 <3 <3 

Mom..was just a wisp over 5 feet tall.
: )
I, looked like an Amazon Queen, next to her.
She Was Dynamite!!!
: ) a Whip...Beautiful....Talented, Kind...Loving...Funny...
Dynamite, when she got mad.
; )
which...thankfully, wasn't very often.
She, and all of my Sister's, were that way.
Tiny...but, Dynamite!!!
They could put me on The Run, with the Tone of their Voices.
oh dear.

Mom, and Dad...had a complicated life...together.
They couldn't live together....for long stretches, but...never could live apart...for long, either.
<3 <3 <3 
They divorced, when I was 5, but...never remarried, or...even dated anyone else.

Dad...thought Mom...Hung The Moon!
I...remember...riding with Dad...many times, over the years...and him humming 
the song, 'Roses are Red My Love", and knowing...he was thinking of Mom.
He, Loved...Her So.
<3 <3 <3 
She...Loved Him...Too!!!
<3 <3 <3 

They're, I know.

Bought some Roses, the other day....
I, can't walk past Roses, and not...think of Mom.

I stayed with the hospital...the last days of her life.
John, had just gotten out of intensive care, from his brain surgery...
he was moved to the 5th floor, then...Mom, was brought in.
Those...were some of the darkest days, for us all.
I only left Mom, to go sit with John...or, to take care of the Critters, no more...than walked in the door, at home... March 20th...
when my phone rang, it was a Nurse, telling me Mom..had passed away.
Some say...they think she waited for me to leave.

Those last days...were wonderful.
We talked, and talked...
Sang Songs!!!
: )
John would send messages to Mom, through me,  Funny Ones, that would get her Laughing so Hard...she cried.
<3 <3 <3 

I'm nursing another hangover. 
Mom, wouldn't like that...either.
She'd be worried about this mess.
All of it.

Love to Ya...
Prayers...for All.

Barb C.


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