Friday, November 27, 2020


Hope...Everyone reading this...
had a Great Thanksgiving!!!!
Hope, like me...
Ya'll ate a little too much, and...enjoyed The Day!
; )

I was up early...cookin' up a Storm.
oh my.
I've never had to Haul...Masses of Food, away from Home, in my life.
Holy Smokes!!!
Jethro smelled like a Thanksgiving Feast...rollin' down the road!!!

Katie, did a Fabulous Job...Hosting Thanksgiving, for the First Time!!!
Liz, and Adam...prepared the Turkey....Perfectly!
Everything was Great!!!
Always...Way Too Much Food!
I told the Kids, I am taking Nothing Home.
No Leftovers!
I'd be Grazing on the Rich...Buttery, Cheese Laden....Food, for a Week.
Feelin' like a Slug...Every Day!!!
Not Happenin'!!!
: )

They'll get it gone, a Lot...quicker, than me, and Peanut.
: ) 

I cooked the Potatoes, and Sweet Potatoes, at Katie's.
Little Justin, was have me go 4 Wheelin'....
{me to...!!!}
after I got the trays, made, and potatoes...simmering, I went with Justin...for a Ride.
: )

He wanted to take me...for a ride, Told him....I, didn't Think So!!!
He's a 'Hot Dog'!!!
I watched him, earlier....Hot Rod, on his Mini Bike...and 4 Wheeler, through the I was cooking.
He wanted to take Grandma...for a 'Ride'!

No Way.
; )
We rode double, I..drove.
: )
When we got back to the house, Justin wanted me to go back in the Timber, on their land.
He asked me to he could switch the 4 Wheeler, into 4WD.

Then... he asked me to get on a path...I hadn't been on, before.
I, did.
We came to a flooded Gully, told him to hang on tight...
as we Blasted through it!!!
Slingin' Mud...Everywhere, including us!

Then, we rode around the pasture, then...back, to the I could check on the Potatoes.
When I was walking up the steps, to the house...
Justin, was holding the door for me.
He looked at me, with a Big...Grin,  and said...
"Grandma, I can't believe you went through that...Ditch.
I, was wouldn't."

I, said... "I saw your tracks, you'd been through there."
: )
He, said... 
"Yeah....But, I didn't think YOU...would!!!"... with a Big...Grin!!!
I, looked at him...and said...
"Justin, you're not The Only...'Hot Dog' the Family. : ) 
Where do ya think, You...and your Dad...get it from???!!!"
His Grandpa John, was a 'Hot Dog', a very different way.
When it comes to Mud Runnin', Monster Trucks, and 4 Wheelin', well...
That's Grandma, Barb.

John had No Time...for climbing in those Ruff Ridin'...Tall....Monster Trucks.
If I was taking a Big Truck...somewhere, John...would drive his old Caddy, or Lincoln, separately.
John...liked a Smooth Ride. 
With All The Comforts of Home!!!
: )
{ Many of our Wonderful Grandchildren, would Certainly...Ride with John, 
over me...Any Day. <3  {Justin...would prefer The Trucks. ; ) }

I'm cleaning, and getting it ready, to Embrace Christmas!!!
'The Tree' Goes Up...
this weekend.
<3 <3 <3 

This House Explodes, at Christmas!!!
There's something, so Magical about Christmas.
It's not...about the gifts.
It's...about the Magic.
At least, it always has been, for me.
John...always helped me put The Tree up.
It's quite a Job.
It's 12 feet tall.
Bless his Heart, for putting up...with my Insanity, over Christmas.
<3 <3 <3 
It was so much work...and I know...he didn't have the passion, I did...for...The Tree, and Big...Christmas.
But, because it meant so very much, to me...he always Put The Tree Up, 
helped me put...over two thousand lights, on it.
Then, he'd walked away.
Let me Play, in the old...ornaments, tinsel...garland, Rudolph...

 {I spelled Rudolph, originally, on this post today... like Peg did...on a Beautiful Christmas Gourd, she created for Friend, Audrey. Peg was Mortified!!! 
Audrey got a Kick out of it!!!
 I, could fix it, on my post... today...easily : ) 
Peg...couldn't. : ) <3
Yes...we Both...Know how to Spell Rudolph, correctly. <3 
Must be a Wink...from Our Peg!!! <3 }

a Cello, and whatever other Memories, I could wire...into The Tree.
<3 <3 <3 
I remember, one year...John was watching me wire Rudolph, and the Cello, then...old Toy Trucks, and a Big...Tin Horse Weathervane, in The Tree.
: )
He said...
"That going to Collapse. That's a Lot...of weight, on that Tree."
I told him...not to watch. ; ) It won't weigh as much...when it's done. ; )
<3 <3 <3 
{He wasn't Shows, when we Built Houses! Hahahaha!!
Give me a box of screws, a drill...a roll of Fencing Wire...oh my.... The Building could come down around us...but, The Simply Iowa Booth...would stay Standin' : ) }

We always put The Tree up, the day after Thanksgiving.
As soon as we got it up, and lit...and, had the Big Bell, hooked on the Chandelier...
{I don't Dig...Heights! Yikes! }
John...would head upstairs, make himself a Big...Plateful...
of Thanksgiving Leftovers, then...come back down, go sit in his 'Man Cave'...and watch T.V.
<3 <3 <3 
He...was Done, with The Tree, until New Year's Day... when he helped me take it down.

It's been a Push, without...John.
Not, because...of the work.
{I've even get past the 'Fear of Heights'...long enough to hang the Bell.}
I Miss...John, So.
This picture of John, had to have been taken, when we were setting up The Tree.
{It takes several hours, so...we must have been taking a break.}
: )
I see a wreath, laying in the chair, so...know, we must've been in the middle of it.
John, was holding old...Christmas Cards. {we save them all...}
{John, never liked having his picture taken! <3 }

If it wasn't for the Kids, and Grandkids, I...most likely...would've never put it up, again...
after John left.

That first year,...was so difficult.
Daughter, Liz...helped me.
It, was hard...for her, too.
: (
I, told her...I wasn't sure..that I could.
She said...
" Dad...would be having a Fit! After All of the Years, helping you put up, and put away... that Monster, he'd be Pissed, if You...didn't keep it going."
Yes, indeed.

I'm a bit...behind schedule...this year.
But, I'll get it done, this weekend.
: )

I was just thinking about my Favorite Christmas Display, several years back, down the rabbit hole.
: )
I'd gotten in an Old...Tin Bathtub.
: )
Filled it Full...of Vintage... Pastel, Silver...and Gold, Christmas Ornaments, like they were Bubbles.
I, could've that area.
I, remember...sitting there, next to it, with candles lit, and sippin' wine, dreaming...
those were Real...Bubbles, and how I'd So... slip in...and...Soak.
<3 <3 <3 
My Kinda...Christmas!!!
 Had Eartha Kitt, playing... Non Stop.
'Santa Baby'.
oh my.
I've done a Million 'Christmas Displays'...
but...That One, was The Dreamiest.
<3 <3 <3 

I'd better get Cleaning.
: )
LOADS To Do!!!
oh my. You, and Prayers...
for All.
Barb C.

{I've so...often wished...our Son, Justin...could've really got to Know, my Dad.
John, always said...if they could've really... 'Known' each other, we'd be in Big Trouble.
We'd have every Old Truck, and...Tractor in the County, here.

It's True.
Those Two...would've been Two Peas, in a Pod.
Three Peas, now...with Little Justin. : )
oh my.
It's Totally...a 'Conner' Trait.
; )
An 'Irish'...Thing.
; ) 
"Well...They say... 'it can't be done'...
Let's Do It!!!"

{Whatever 'It'...may, be. Never mattered, what 'It' was...
as long as 'It' Sparked 'Intrigue'...'Curiosity'...and, had a whiff...of danger.}

<3 <3 <3
Yes...Three Peas, in a Pod.
<3 <3 <3 


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