Wednesday, November 25, 2020

A Different Perspective.

Spent the better portion of the day, yesterday...
on the phone with the Sheriff's office, and Detectives, concerning the thefts, day before yesterday.
I...gotta tell ya, I had some pretty raw....emotions.

I visited with three Deputies, the day of the thefts.
I...was pretty shook.
Angry, disheartened, and...ready to Chase the the End of The Earth!!!
oh my.
I, expected the same kind of Action...from the Deputies.
Let's Go Git ' Em!!!

They...didn't seem to have the same....'Spirit', as I did.
I...was kinda disappointed in them.
: (

So...yesterday, I called a Detective I'd worked with, concerning a theft from the rabbit hole, a long while back.
He was Great.
On It!!!

We visited on the phone...for a long, long...time.
oh my.
It was then...after talking to him....
I realized, the Deputies...that I was kind of disappointed in, weren't 'disinterested' doing their job, They Are Weary.
: ( : ( : ( 
When the Detective told me...what they are up against, over, and in, and day....out, concerning these types of 'Break-ins'...
I...Got It.
: (

He said., mostly...these types of thefts, are drug related.
I, kinda figured that...the way these thieves behaved, concerning these thefts.
Like the Detective said....
"They don't 'think' you, and me. "
Very strange...Very.

He Important it is...that the Public is involved...and try to have pictures of items, and good descriptions.. keep a watchful eye, and call in any kind of tips, they have.
Which...I did, and sent images, on to him, which he shared with others, in his department, right away.
He, said...they are this kind of work.
It's non-stop.
"We need all the Help...we can get."
: ( : ( : ( 

After our visit...I sat back, and thought...a lot.
oh my.
Wrote him an e-mail...telling him, that 'down the rabbit hole', and am far removed...from the real world.
I...truly am Grateful...I can still 'feel' Outrage, when these things happen.
I am Blessed, that all of this...seems pretty foreign to me.
How Thankful I am, that I have to deal with these type of things, so rarely.

Those Deputies...weren't 'disinterested...
They Were 'Numb'. 
: ( : ( : (
This...was just another the Wall.
: (
They've been exposed to this stuff, Much More, that...Gratefully, most of us, never see.
How Sorry, I am...for All of Those, who have to 'Deal'...with this, non-stop.
oh my.
{and...They Still....go to work, every day. oh my.}

I Thanked him, for giving me another 'perspective'.
: (
I, so Feel...for our Law Enforcement...these days.
{Have for Years...}
I'm going to do...everything I can, to help them...any way, I can.
We All...need to.
They Need Us.
We...Need Them.

Love to You, and Prayers...for All.
Barb C. 


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