Saturday, November 21, 2020


Was up...early, Friday...unloaded The Ford, with Helper...Brandon.
Then... unloaded the FUSO, Box get a table out, for Peg's Granddaughter, Chelsea.
It was Peg, and Michael's.
When Michael moved back to Iowa, he brought me all sorts of things.
I, was so be able to give so much of it back to Chelsea....and Spencer, they could've taken it all...but, some of it, wasn't quite what they were Feathering Their....'Nest'...with. ; ) 
They, just moved back to well. <3

 Got everything loaded back, into the FUSO, along with the recent findings...that were unsheltered on The Ford.

It was a Trick...but, we got it done.
: )

Michael picked up their table, yesterday...for Chelsea.
He brought more...of Peg's Treasures.
They used to be mine, long...ago, but...whenever Peg fell in love with something, down the rabbit hole, it went Home, with her.
<3 <3 <3 
I would've given Peg...Anything. Anything.
I could never...ever, Give her...Enough, to repay....
Everything, she'd done for me...over the years.

Peg, was an Amazing Artist, like John.
She had an Eye...for Detail.
When she saw the Victorian Hair Wreath...I'd just gotten in, she said...
"That's MINE!!!"
Yes...Ma'am....It Sure Is!!!!!
Peg Adored...It.

Back, in the 1800's, women would save their hair, make jewelry, and artwork.
This one, is very large...and, is so finely done.
Many different colors of hair.
From Silver, to Auburn. 

The wreath, inside the shadow box, made of wool, instead of hair.
All hand pulled, and dyed.
It has a memorial in the center, that says, "At Rest".
These were made, remembrance pieces, but...not always.
I've had several...over the years.
Love Them.
So Much...Work.

I'll always see Peg, when I look at these.
I'll Never forget, the way her eyes lit up...when she saw that Hair Wreath...laying on the seat of The Ford.
<3 : ) 
That's...what I'll remember.

Made plans with little Justin, to take him shopping with his Birthday Cash...for yesterday.
He wanted Scarlett to come with.
Share in the Shopping Experience.
We did this, last year...too.

It was a Great Day!
They...are Such...Good, little People.
<3 <3 <3 
{Not enjoying having their pictures taken, however. : ) }
They both...decided, over Supper, we should make this a Tradition.
: )
Every Year.
Then, on the way...taking them home, I said...maybe, we should have a little get away, maybe...not, just once a year, but...once a month.
Oh BOY!!!
They, were All Over That!!!
They, are the Oldest...Children, in their homes.
They both said....they Love their little Siblings,'s sure nice, to have a break.
<3 <3 <3 
{It was so cool, watching them shop.
They Both....think of their little Siblings, and, on their own...always pick out something, for each of them, with their own money.
<3 }

Christmas decorations...were up, and about...everywhere....we went.
They're beautiful...but, always....make me a little sad, especially seeing them before Thanksgiving.
When I woke up this morning...I, thought of my Favorite Christmas Display...ever, down the Rabbit Hole, above.

It...was such a different time...then.
Seems like yesterday, and....a thousand years ago, at the same...time.

After working so hard, on Thursday...with the concrete, came in...sat down....
sipped on delightful...fermented grape juice.
: )
Pal, Wanda...called me, yesterday...checking up..on me.
Seems, once again...I was ranting, late at night, on FB.
oh dear.
Dropped the 'F' Bomb, a time...or, two...
oh my.

{deleted...the posts, I guess. }

It makes me...sad, how frustrated...and angry, I've become....with all of this wrongfulness.
Wanda...asked me why, I didn't load everything....into The Rabbit Hole, yesterday, instead of into the Box Truck.
Told her, I...just, can't.
One, there's no room.
I, just...can't.
Told her...I get it, that she, can't understand, this. All of This.
Went on, to say..."I, hope...and Pray, You Never...Ever...have to."

I, truthfully....wouldn't wish this kind of wrongful torment, on anyone, ever.
Not even...on those who are inflicting, and...have inflicted this upon us, no matter, how angry, I may seem, towards them. 

That, however...doesn't mean, I won't call them out on what they've done, wrongfully, every chance I get...until, their 'Crooked Roads' are made straight.
To their faces, anytime, anywhere. 
I, don't make claims, I can't back up. 

While we were unloading the FUSO, found a copy...of our Settlement Agreement. got there, I have no...idea.
My life, has been so consumed with this wrongfulness...for 4 years.
Every job...every show...every trip....I've been on, I've carried documents, and research....paperwork, with.

The night I fell down the basement steps, trying to get ready to leave for Texas, the following morning, I was trying to get everything packed, rushing...rushing....
 including...documents, I mustn't forget, concerning this...Fairfax/IDOT, mess, before....packing clothes.

I suppose, some people....might think, what's the big deal.
So, they lied, broke their recorded promises.
Took your land, wrongfully.
Butchered your what.
: )

Is it all...worth 'this'?

Daughter, Liz...and I...sat in Jethro, last night, visiting about this Battle, when I dropped Scarlett off.
She asked, how would this be different, if her Dad...was here.
I, thought about it, for a little while.

If John...were here, we could fight them...together.
I'd be venting to him, instead of FB.
John, was my sounding board.
He, had a way...of reassuring me.
When he told me not to worry...
I believed him.

Without him, I...truly do feel like a bird, trying to fly...missing a wing.
When John was diagnosed with brain cancer....I, remember....leaving him, at the hospital...that night, to come home...and take care of our beloved hounds.
It was a good thing, for me to leave...for a bit, so we both....could try to absorb the Unforeseen Horror, the Dr.'s had shared with us, that day.

I, couldn't let John see my fear, nor...would he, let me...see his, either.
We both, were pretty good at being strong...for each other.

I, remember...walking inside...the Big Room, letting the Hounds, outside....
then, closing the door, and screaming at the top of my lungs.
I've never heard that kind of anguish...anywhere, in my life, certainly...never coming out of my body.

I, knew...I, thought, because...because, I'd never think any other way, that John would beat this.
It was going to be a battle, most likely...we'd be putting out 'fires', with the cancer, but....
he was going to beat it.

I, also...knew, we were in Big Trouble, with the medical bills, and...John's Sanctuary, was in horrible jeopardy.
Everything...he worked his life...away, for.
Losing....'This', for John...would've been much more fatal, in so many ways, that cancer...couldn't begin to compare with. 

Nobody...knew John, like I did.

I made many arrangements, with the bill collectors, and...Dr.'s.
John's Sanctuary...was saved.
 <3 <3 <3

Fairfax, and The IDOT, wrongfully....came along, and slipped a suicide trail, through the back door, Condemned us, under the guise of 'Highway Maintenance and Road Improvement', which...I could prove, was Not True. {and...Did} 
There are moments, I think...for a second, that I'm so glad, John...isn't here, to see this.
The thing is, that's not...true.
Selfishly, I'd Give Anything, to have, even...heartbroken.
: (
and...he would be.

John, would never be the same Man, after watching...this wrongfulness....unfold, the way it has.
I'm living proof, of that. 
'This' was Always...John's Sanctuary.
My 'Sanctuary'...was wherever John was most content. 
I told John...years ago, I could live out of an old Truck, as long as we were together.
That's a Fact. 

Have to laugh, a little.
I, rarely...dropped the 'F' Bomb, until...this garbage, with Fairfax, and the IDOT.
John...on the other hand...hahahahaha!
<3 <3 <3 
So, as I've said...many times, before...over the years, when you are Blessed to have a Soulmate, ya kinda become 'One'...person, over the years. 
So...maybe, that 'Language', I seem to be speaking so much more Frequently, and... Fluently....than before, John...left, is a little part of him, I have.....with me, yet.
<3 <3 <3 
I'll Take It!
<3 <3 <3 

when, this wrongfulness has been Rightfully settled,
like I told Liz, last night...
I'll be able to fully... move forward.
Until...then, well...
like, an old....broken record, I'll Play, but...
not wholly, not...smoothly.

I'll do my best, to keep it to a dull roar, but...a 'roar', no less.

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.
Barb C.

{Woke up this morning, and began humming 'Mona Lisa'.
Haven't heard, or...thought of that tune, in years.
It's a Beauty. 
Then, began...singing it, in the Big Room.
: )
oh my...if those walls, John...built, could talk.
What....a Tale, they would tell. 
<3 <3 <3 }

The bottom line...
 John...would've traded his Sanctuary, to save a Child's Life.
John would be having a FIT, knowing...his Sanctuary, was going to have Any Part, of Fairfax's Suicide Trail, so wrongfully.
 John...would've moved Heaven and Stop It.
I, thought...I'd done that. 
Seems there's a bit more 'Movin' be done.

Seems, the IDOT District 6, and Fairfax City Hall... don't like to follow the same Laws,
 as the rest of us. 
It was Settlement Agreement, yesterday.
oh my.
; )
It'll be The End of This Battle, what, those few...'Simple Words'...will be.
I, have a pretty good idea.
; ) 

{had to share this picture, of Peanut, tonight.... her perfect version...of Mona Lisa's Smile.}
: )

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