Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Praise God!!!! I've Never Been More Grateful, on a 'Thanksgiving' Eve.

Had a Busy Day...ahead...
but, couldn't get these Break-ins off of my mind.

When I woke up this morning, I thought about what The Detective said....yesterday,
about finger prints.
He explained to's best to get them off of a smooth surface.
It got me thinking....while I was laying in John's recliner, early...this morning,
there's a Starbuck's Coffee drink can... in the console of Jethro.
Under it, is a dollar, and some change.
I went outside, in my bare feet, first light....
 to check and see...if the thieves had picked up that can, to search for cash.
: )

They Had.
; )
The money was Gone...from underneath the can.
: )
I picked up the can...with the longest the ashtray,
 careful...not to touch...or smear...any prints.
: )
Then, called The Detective, when I was heading into Town.
; )
Told him...I'd be Happy, to bring that him.
: )

He, said... "well...they may have worn Gloves, but...put it in a paper sack, and a Deputy will pick it up."
Then...The Detective
Went On...
and said...
"I was just getting ready to call you.
 We've Apprehended the thieves...And, Recovered your Son's Property."


I Melted.
Felt like a Ton had been Lifted from my Shoulders.
{The thieves took some very Important pieces, from our Son's Truck.}

I told the Detective...He Couldn't have Given us...a Better Thanksgiving.
I Couldn't Thank Him...and The Deputies, Enough.
Oh...My Lord. 
<3 <3 <3 

Asked him...if I could share the news...with our Son.
He said I could.
I walked into Justin's Shop...
Yelled out, for him...
{Actually...I Was Dancing!!!}
"Justin, Get Over Here!! We're Dancin' a HAPPY Dance!!!"
He thought I'd lost my mind...until I told him what the Detective...had just shared with me.
I...saw a Ton...fall away, from our Son's shoulders...too.
<3 <3 <3 

I Can't Thank...Those Amazing Folks, from The Linn County Sheriff's Department,
<3 <3 <3 

I'm gonna have to send the Sheriff's Department.
; )
We...All...Need to 'Laugh', once in a while.
I've gotten to know a few of the Deputies, over the last few years.
Being 'Served' by The Linn County Deputies, on behalf of  Fairfax, over 'Chickens'.
{ : ) }
Being 'Served'... on behalf of the IDOT, for their Wrongful Suicide Trail...they condemned our land...wrongfully, solely.... for Fairfax.
; )
Yep, those Deputies....have heard it all.
They...remember me. ; )
Bless Their Hearts!!!
They, are Very...Special Folk.
May God...Bless Them.

Love to You.
Prayers...for All.
Barb C.

 {I've always adored the Deputy Sheriffs.
They watched over my Dad, the day.
Cal Wagner, was One...of The Very Best. <3 <3 <3 
He'd be Proud of Those, who follow. 
I, sure am. <3 <3 <3 }

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