Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Once...again, 'Time Will Tell'.

Oh my...
What a Ride.
: )

I kinda figured...this was how the election was gonna go.
I, voted yesterday.
Everything was very well organized, at Fairfax City Hall.
My stomach always does a 'Flip'...
before I walk inside that building.
didn't see any 'familiar' City Hall...'faces', only...
Awesome Poll Worker's Helpful...Ones!!!
I was in, and minutes.

I stayed up...until about 3 a.m., watching...the Turnout.
Knowing...none of this would be decided in one day, long ago.

Time, will tell.
When every Vote, is counted, then...we'll know.
: )
{maybe. hahahaha....what a Ride. oh my. : )
2020. oh my. ; ) }

If 2020 has pounded anything into my brain....
it's 'Patience'.
: )
Nothing Surprises me.

I threw on my Pearls, for Ruth, yesterday.
Ruth, was an Amazing...Person.
She worked hard, for so many people.
I, believe, Amazing.
Politics...aside. {as they should be.}
I believe...'confident'...our Judges, understand better than anyone, 
 Lady Justice wears a Blindfold.

It's an Absolutely....Beautiful November Day, in Iowa.
Unseasonably Warm...and, Sunny!
I'm heading outside, to do yard cleaning...and, tend to the rabbit hole.

I'm Praying....that Folks stay calm, and let the Process...Properly Proceed.
When decided, I Pray...we will accept whatever that may be, and move forward.
This...deep division...isn't helping our Country.
At...least, not Americans, which...we are.
<3 Ya!
Prayers...for All.
Barb C.

{None of 'This' in our hands. all, in His...Hands.
Trust. }


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