Monday, November 2, 2020

Had the Right to remain silent...

once, again... 
didn't have the 

; )

{Love...Comedian, Ron White. <3 }

Must've been the Full Moon.
I rarely, ever...ever... talk 'Politics'.
Even...with close Friends.
Not allowed in our Home...Not, down the Rabbit Hole...
Not...on FB,
I...still....can't get away from it.
Countless Calls, Texts, Radio...T.V., FB,
 it Saturates The Soul!!!

John and I... would discuss them, but...we felt the same way, on most every issue.
Half of our Family, are D's.
Half are R's.
It's about a 50/50 split, with Friends, too, I'd guess.
It's wise, I keep my thoughts, to myself.

As I was scrolling through FB, the other night, I was posting images of the Kids.
Then...something popped up, that a Friend had posted, concerning a Candidate....
oh my.
The Top of my Head...Blew Off!!!
Fireworks...Shot Straight Out of The Top of My Skull...
Fire..was Shooting Out of Every Fingertip...
as I Typed, with Lightning Speed!!!

Now, what that Friend...had posted, wasn't any more Ugly, than...the Hundreds of similar posts...I've scrolled on by, for many months.
Somehow...This Time, was 'IT'.
'Too Much'.
oh dear.

Like Peg would say... "I lost a few 'pinfeathers' of my already, singed....smoldering... wings, 
from constantly flying too close to Hell's Flames, far... too often."
: )
I Lost a Fist Full....of Smoldering Pinfeathers, Halloween Night.

{I typed words, that...I rarely utter, except when they're pertaining to Fairfax's wrongful Suicide Trail.}

The Queen 'Mother, with emphasis on 'Mother', 
while leading up to that 'Bomb', I threw in...'Spineless', a time...or two.

To my surprise...didn't get one negative comment.
All...were positive.

Then... I deleted the post.
Felt...Sick, to my Stomach.
I...had been Hateful... Ugly, and... Disrespectful,
 to people...I care about, no Matter how they choose to vote.
: (
I, added to the Division....with Snarling...Razor Sharp... Teeth.
: (

I, then... said 'Good-Bye' Friends, on FB.
Taking some time off.

The Truth is, we all have the right to vote, any way....we choose.
I'm not gonna change your mind, you're not going to change mine.
Bashing, and Trashing...only serves the purpose of further Division.
I, totally...understand, where 'division'...stems from.
Not, a good place.

A Friend, told me I should just delete those people, who say hateful things.
Things, that I don't agree with.
Well...I, truly Love, them.
May not agree, all of the time...with them, but...I'm sure they don't agree with me, all of the time, either.
I, think...things have gotten so heated, many of myself, the other night, simply...BLOW!!!

If...I only Loved...people, who think, and vote...the same way I do....well, 
It'd be a sad...and, Lonely....old...World.
{Dad, and I...didn't share the same political views, but, we Loved...and another, and never...argued about them. <3 }

The Truth Is...
We Really Do...have More in Common, than Not.}

The bottom line.
Politics, had Brought Out...The Very Worst, in me.
I, sure didn't like that sickening feeling.
Brought back all of the City Council Meeting 'feelings'.
I felt like Vomiting. 

I'm at a point of my life, if something is a 'Joy Stealer'... I'll follow my heart, do my best....respectfully, then, put the rest in 'Proper Hands', and move on.

I'm keeping the 'Simply Iowa'...Business FB Page.
and...who knows, somewhere down the line, I might go back to my personal FB.
I'm sure going to miss the Humor, and...Fun.
Miss seeing what 'Family' is up to,
 and...have been So Grateful, for the support, Prayers...
 from so Many...over the Wrongful Trail...Mess.
Daughter, Liz...along with many of  my Customers, have left FB, for this reason...over the last year.
They all tell me, they are much happier.
Liz, won't even watch the news, right now.
Interesting Times....
oh my.

Love to All.
 Praying...for All.
Barb C. 

.{Had to post a little of Ron White, today. ; ) 
Think...we all could use a Good Laugh. <3 }

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