Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Wild Eyed... Women!!!

Pal, Cindy Lou... popped in for a Visit, today.
Cindy... is Flyin' back.. to Texas, tonight.
I'm Flyin'... around The Kitchen.
: )

We had a Lovely Visit.
Shed a few... tears,
and... a Lot of Laughter.
Brief Visit... but, a Good One.
: )

The Stuffing...
'Resting'... as I write.

Looks...can be deceiving... 
: )

The Turkey... has about an hour left, cooking.
: )
it'll Rest, a bit...
before I carve it, pack it up... and collect the drippings, for Gravy.
; )

Gonna make Dutch Apple Pies, in the morning.
Was going to make Sweet Potato Pies, too...
but, changed my mind.
The Gas Oven... in The Old Stove, is very small, don't have time to do both, at such different temps.
; )
It Is...
What It Is.
: )

Was thinking about favorite Thanksgiving Memories... here, at Home, a bit ago.
'The Marvelous Toy'... that came from Dear Friend, Lyle...
many years ago... always Tops the List.

It's Like A Magnet... to Children.
{Of  All  Ages }
: ) : ) : )

<3 <3 <3 

Gave it a Long Whirl... this afternoon, after capturing this image.
<3 <3 <3 

I remember... someone asking me, long ago... if I was afraid the Kid's would get their fingers caught in it, as they WHIRLED It.
: )
told 'em...
"It would only happen 'once'... if they did.
; )
 They wouldn't let it happen twice."
; )

{Our Grandkid's are Pretty... Sharp. : ) <3 }

Miss... having Thanksgiving here.

It's not the same... 'here'... anymore, for any of us.

Better check on the Turkey.
; )
It's callin' my name... says my nose.
: )

Love to Ya...

Barb C.

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