Saturday, November 25, 2023


They say...we're gonna get a little Snow, tonight.
Always love the first Snow.
Everything looks so clean.
Both of these images were taken a long time ago.
Dear Friend... Melody Smith, captured the above.
: )
That was Quite a Day... back in 2012.

This day...has been a Blur.
Usually would've started on putting up Christmas, yesterday...and today.
Not... this year.
Haven't decided if I'm going to put any Christmas up...this year.
There's so Much... Spinning around here, that... has my mind pretty preoccupied.
Maybe... that's all the more reason... I should start pulling Christmas out.

Received a wonderful comment, on Thanksgiving, from a Long Ago... Friend.
He and I are the same age... he used to come out and ride Horses with me, when we were Teens.
He, also... worked with Dad.
: )
He Thought The World... of Dad.
Whenever we visit... he tells me, those 'times'... are some of his Best Childhood Memories.

Dad had a way with Kids.
He never treated 'Kids'... like a 'Kid'.
He showed 'em how to work on old Trucks, and Tractors.
: )
Taught 'em how to run a chainsaw... handle an axe, how to safely handle... and shoot a shotgun... care for it and clean it.
Taught me how to drive... when I was 7. : )
{Pretty sure Dad taught all of his Kids... how to drive  Tractors, and Trucks... about that age.}
Dad made work... Fun.
: )

The Stories... he would tell... as we 'worked'.
Dad had the patience of Job.

Received a call from our Saint... of a Lawyer, Charles Meardon, yesterday afternoon.
That conversation... brought back Many... Unpleasant Memories, from over the last 7, nearly 8 years.
{They're never far... I can't tell ya what I ate for breakfast, but... ask me about the IDOT Meeting at Fairfax, Iowa.. City Hall... back in The Very Beginning... of this Mess.}

That... IDOT District 6, oh my....
had they only been honest, and told the truth...
from the beginning.
bless their hearts.
had The IDOT simply kept our Recorded Agreement, oh my.
{Fairfax... was right in there, with 'em}
So Many Lives Would Be So Different, now, and in the future.
So Many....
 'Damages' on So Many...

Sounds like this IDOT
'Fecal Impaction'
is ...
 beginning to move.
; )

Please... Keep us in Your Prayers.
This is Truly....
a 'David and Goliath' story.

Love to Ya...
Prayers for ALL.

Barb C.

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