Thursday, November 16, 2023

One more try.


Wrote a Long post... yesterday, then...
deleted it.
: )

It's been such a whirlwind... around Home,
for so... Long.
So many arrows shot from so many directions. dead.
It's only a year and a half old.
Pal, Bill... looked at it today, he confirmed it's 
: (
Using the Old...Old, laptop.... I couldn't let go of.
Windows 7 version.
: )
{but... It Works!! <3 : ) }

Still trying to figure out the new Android phone.
What a Mess.
It had Bill stumped today.
That's saying a lot.
; )

Bill brought out the contracts, and cards...
The Anamosa Antique & Vintage Market Show, coming up in January.
: )

We'll be sending them out... in the next day, or two.
; )

There were So Many... Wonderful Things, that happened over JJJ, that...
I've wanted to write about.
Things... that Truly 'Struck' me.
: )

Three Stories, that Touched my Soul.
They were All... So Similar, oh my.

One... of The Beautiful 'Story Tellers'... said, 
"Barb... it's like the song... 'Broken Roads',
have you ever heard it?"

{ : ) }

{My Three 'Friends'...
 'Story Tellers'...
over JJJ
don't listen to much 'Country'.}
: )

Told her,
I was 'familiar' with the 'Tune'.
'Rascal Flatts'.
; )

The Three People...
who came to Visit, and have been Hurting So, for So Long...
What They've Been Searching For!!!
<3 <3 <3

Took Every Single One Of Them...
{High School Days... oh my. }

Another Dear Friend, has Always Believed, as do I...
reminded me, often... over the years...
'It's All'... About The Journey.
; )

Can't write about... everything I want to, because...
I Can't!!
; )
When I Write 'The Book'...
: ) : ) : ) 

So Happy... for The 'Three'.
<3 <3 <3 

They So Deserve... Every Single Bit of Love...
Comfort... Compassion...  Trust... and... Rest, 
They've Never 'Known'.
: (...
<3 <3 <3 

Love to Ya.
Prayers... For ALL.

Barb C.

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