Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Simply... Iowa.

Gratefully... this day in Iowa... if Far from what it was a few years back.
: )

Iowa's weather is Very... Interesting, and unpredictable.

Gonna start prepping for Thanksgiving, today.
It's so different not having Thanksgiving here...at Home.
Still trying to figure it all out.
What can be prepared in advance... and, how long in advance.
How to package it for transport... and, how much... to prepare.
Think I'm going to use Fruit Jars... and Storage Jars... to transport most everything.
'Plastic'... isn't something I like putting food into.

Sweet Pal, Cindy Lou, {Pal, Mark's Stepmother} texted last week.
Said she'd like to stop by and see me, tomorrow.
Cindy, and Mark's Dad... Tom, visited Often, when they lived in Cedar Rapids.
Cindy Clerked... for our Sales, and Estate Sales, Often.
She, and Tom... moved to Texas a few years ago... shortly before Tom...passed away.
Sure do miss her.
Miss 'em Both.

It'll be Great catching up, with Cindy Lou.

Cindy hasn't been back, since Scout passed away.
I'm certain it'll be Tuff... for her, visiting... and not getting her Scout 'Fix'.
She Spoiled Him... So.

Cindy hasn't 'seen'... this place... since the IDOT came through, either.
Makes me nervous... about what her reaction will be.
{tearin' up...already, just thinkin' about it.}
: (

Better get Preppin'.

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

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