Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Rant...over. : )

Cranberry Relish... is done.
: )
Whipped up about 5 pounds.
It was much easier... this year.
{after I figured out how to operate the Food Processor... I purchased at the end of one of the Estate Sales...this year. : ) }

I've always marveled... at the cost between making food at Home... verses buying food 'Prepared'.
Five pounds of 'Homemade' Cranberry Relish... 'ingredient cost', was about 6.00, yesterday, at the Store.

Five pounds... 'Prepared' Cranberry Relish... at the Store... would cost 35.00 today.
: )
{I rant... about this Every Thanksgiving. : ) }

We NEED More 'LIVING SKILLS' in School.
{At 'HOME'...as Well. {in my opinion} : ) }

As I was cleaning out the Food Processor, after every batch... of the 'Four Ingredients'... that go into Fresh Cranberry Relish...
{Cranberries... Apples... Oranges... Sugar.}
{well... I always add another... 
Usually.. Walnuts, but... chose Pecans, this year.
 Pal, Patti... 
{'Fern Hill' South Amana, Iowa} 
shared her recipe with me, yesterday.
Patti said..
 "Pecan's... are a little 'Sweeter' ". : ) }

It Grates on me... when Cook's don't Clean Out Their Vessels, while cooking.
{oh dear. : ) }
When Mom would Cook... 
She'd Rinse Out The Cans... 
Save Every Single Drop, and Speck...
of Food.
NOTHING... went to Waste.
; )

That's what Growing Up... During The Great Depression Taught, Many.
: )
Mom's 'Always'... Line, while preparing Meals...was, 
'Waste Not... Want Not.'
: )
So True.

Remember one of my Teachers, way back... holding up a 5 pound bag of potatoes.
He said... 
".98 cents... {back then}for 5 Pound's of whole, fresh potatoes...
2.29, for 10 ounces of prepared, potato chips... in a bag."
he asked us, his student's... to,
 "Do The Math."
: )

One of my Very Favorite Teacher's... was Donna Young.
{Home-Ec, back in the late 1970's.}
We're still.. Friends, today.
Donna, and I... have talked about How INCREDIBLY Important It Is...
 maybe... more than anytime in our lives...
that Children are Taught 'Home Skills'.

'Grocery Shop'...
'Cook... from scratch',
'Wash dishes'...
'Wash laundry'....
The 'Basic' ....
' Living Skills'.
: )

I was Very Blessed being raised by Parents... who Grew Up...
during The Great Depression.

'Common Sense'...
 was something they had to Learn... the Hard Way.
Difficult, and Hard... Way.

In my opinion...
We Should be Grateful...
for Their 'Hard Learned' Advice.
: )
'Learn' by it.
; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers... for ALL.

Barb C.

{Rant... over. ; ) for another year. }

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